Chapter 42 (:

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Laurent and Diara were so close face to face, that it looked like they were about to kiss, but one could not mistake the angry glares they both had, for a romantic gesture.

"Ahem." Julie coughed. 

Laurent snapped in her direction. "Julie!" 

"Stop. I'm here for my last task. What is it?" Julie asked

Diara was about to talk, but Julie stopped her. "Was he making a move on you, Diara?" Julie asked, her eyes glazed, looking at Laurent.

Laurent looked away uncomfortably. He didn't expect Julie to be this mad. They both were having a really heated arguement actually.

Diara told Laurent not to tell anything about her to Julie, as they were just becoming best friends again. Laurent opposed, saying that she ruined his life. She said she learnt her mistake, and didn't want to hurt Julie anymore. Laurent didn't believe her however. But considering how much she had helped him with the party, he wasn't so sure.

"No." Diara said quietly.

Julie walked towards Laurent with such a fierce expression, that Laurent had stumbled back a bit out of fear.

She slapped him.

Laurent looked down, knowing that he deserved it.

Diara gasped. "Julie!" Synthia cried out loud.

Julie started pounding on Laurent's chest. 

"That slap was for three reasons. 1. For not telling me about the bet earlier. Even though it was a wrong thing to do, I'm glad it happened, cause I wouldn't have gotten to know a person as amazing as you. 2. For leaving me away for one whole month. How could you do that? Didn't you know how much I missed you? 3. For not telling me you loved me."

With that, Laurent grabbed her hands to stop her from hitting his chest, cupped her face, and crashed his lips onto hers. Julie stopped moving, taking her hands away to put it around Laurent's neck. And when they pulled apart, Laurent placed his forhead on Julie's and told her that he loved her.

Julie gave him a light peck on the lips. "I love you." Julie said, smiling big.

Laurent and Julie hugged like never before, until Laurent remembered something and looked at Diara. He glared at her. Diara nodded her head no. But Laurent wouldn't let her go that easily. 

"Julie, Diara has something to say to you." he said.

Diara shot daggers at Laurent, but walked towards Julie all the same, taking her hands in hers.

"Julie, I lied." Diara said.

"I know," Julie said, smiling softly.

"Don't stop me. Let me finish. I lied about not knowing about the bet. I knew all about it. But when he dumped me for YOU, I got wild. But when I started being a fake friend of yours, it suddenly made me want everything to be so real. I wanted to be best firends with you. Be how we were back in fifth grade. I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, but I would do anything to be friends with you again."

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