Chapter 32 (:

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Ding dong.

Diara was just about to leave Julie's house when the door bell rang. She opened the door, and was surprised to see Mrs. Nina.

"Mrs. Nina," Diara smiled, big.

"Just as well," Mrs. Nina smiled. "I wanted to talk to you and Julie. So glad you both are together."

"Come on in," Diara said.

"Julie, Mrs. Nina is here!"

Julie didn't see her, and coarsely whispered," What is she doing here?" 

"Arrrhem." Mrs. Nina coughed.

Julie looked embarassed." I'm sorry. But I'm just hurt. I never knew you were Laurent's mom, and well I can't help but think that everything from the beginning was a conspiracy against me," she said, sighing.

Mrs. Nina looked shocked. " You thought I was a part of Laurent's plan?" 

Julie looked away. 

Diara was watching the two of them in interest.

"Look dear, I know my son has hurt you. I have no idea what he had done, but all I know is that he's moping at him, giving himself a hard time. I can tell he did a really bad thing, but I can assure you he didn't mean to hurt you," Mrs. Nina said.

Julie started but Mrs. Nina raised her hand.

"However, I came here to talk about something really important. I'm pretty sure you are free from all competitions. But that leaves you with just one month of preparation. Ms. Minnie had told me all about your dream to get into Chipgal."

Julie looked shocked. Ms. Minnie told her about my dreams?

"But you must have realized I was terrible at cheerleading then,right?" Julie asked, sadly. 

"Wait, is that what you think?" Mrs. Nina asked, surprised?

Diara perked up. This conversation was starting to scare her. "What's there to think? You made ME captain! Obviously, I was the best, right?" 

Julie looked down, and Diara had the deceny to look embarassed.

"Sorry, Juls, I didn't mean it that way." She said.

"My my, we've been having so many misunderstandings! I'll clear them all up." Mrs. Nina.

Julie looked at Mrs. Nina, completely bewildered. Clear? Weren't things clear enough, like Diara said, she thought.

"First of all, I noted your talent, no scratch that, the prodigy, in you, the moment I saw you. Not even when you performed. You had the air of a cheerleader. And later when you performed, I knew no doubt you were the best. The best cheerleader I had ever come across." Mrs. Nina said, looking at Julie.

Diara's smile faltered, but Julie was looking at Mrs. Nina in awe.

"At the moment, I knew I couldn't make you the leader. You would be too tied up with official work. I needed you to focus on practising instead. And Diara had the best outfit and good routine, and that's why I chose her to be the captain. That reminds me why I wanted to talk to you," Mrs. Nina said, turning towards Diara.

Diara looked scared. 

"I'll be resigning for a month. I need you to take in charge of the team. You'll be holding the practice sessions, and leave the paperwork to me though," She said, smiling.

"Why are you resigning," Diara asked, feebly.

"Because I came here to give Julie an offer. You see, I'm an alumini of Chipgal."   

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