to far jack

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Elsa's POV

it has been a month since I saw jack I was sad I still loved him and I thought something happened I started to sing

his love is in my heart tonight

but he's nowhere to be seen

it looks like I'm lonely again

I want to see him again

still can't let him in

can't let him see

that I'm the monster

that everyone would see

shut him away in my mind

never see him again.......

want him back!!!!!!

let it go that he's gone

he's not coming back

just shut everything out

cause I don't care what I am!

let him be long gone

but I need him now

I can't go on because I collapsed onto the ground crying.

jacks POV

I woke up in pitch's cave in a cage I was angry

"look he's up_" said a voice I wish I could get out of my head "good job Hans now I you can kill the girl and her sister while jack suffers!"

I knew he was talking about Elsa I decided I would freeze thecage when they left so when they left I froze the bars and broke free I went tell Elsa but my flying was weak so I walked it took four years to get to Arrendell but a party was happening right then I was confused the gates were open? what has happened while I was gone? did she miss me?*cough wow jack she's going to love you cough* I walked in but I saw a terrible sight Elsa was dancing with a prince*cough she's dancing! overprotective cough*then she looked at me and quickly looked away

Elsa's POV

oh no he's here.

I haven't seen him for four years so I was mad and happy.

I still love him but he left me!

it was my coronation and I had to dance with a prince and me and Anna are warming up to each other but she ran away after I yelled at her.

I finished dancing with the prince and looked for chocolate but I felt a shoulder  it was jack

he turned me around to face him

"Elsa I need to tell you something" he started but I cut him off *by the way everyone believes in him* " no jack I thought you loved me but apparently you don't"I said

"Elsa wait......"

"no close the gates the party's over close the gates"

"Elsa stop"

"enough jack"*see what I'm doing? *

" no Elsa what did I do to you to make you mad what are you so afraid of!!!!!!" *nice move jack*

I lost it "I'm afraid of a broken heart jack" I yelled sending ice everywhere I ran away but I saw jack running toward me so I ran harder I stepped on the lake and it turned to ice so I ran without looking back and I came to a small island and raced through the woods until I came the north mountain and I started singing *put let it go right here because I'm to lazy*I stand a couple minutes later on my patio in my amazing castle it was perfect until I heard someone come in.

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