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Elsa's POV

I'm speechless but some how words come out of my mouth

"jack I........ who am I kidding yes!!!!!!!!!"

"I knew you would say that!!!" he said

then he slide the ring on to my finger

"why are you crying!?!?!?" he asked me

I didn't know I was crying

" their tears of joy!!"

and we hugged until Anna came over

" Elsa kristoff proposed to me!!!" she said" jack did you ask her!?!?!?!"


"what did she say what did you say!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??????" she yelled at both of us

"I said yes" I said calmly but inside I was jumping up and down like a little kid

"we could have a double wedding!!!!" Anna said

"of course" I said I knew my life was going to be great but all great things come to an end once and a while.

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