"I miss her so much!"
DJ started to bawl and fell into Jay's arms. He held her for a long time. The musty smell of the rotten carpet enticed the memories-both pleasant and painful- of his sister. "Yeah, I miss her too," he said softly. A single tear fell from his eye onto her shoulder. He recalled how him and DJ had met: first day of sophomore year, he was very popular, star athlete, and known ladies man; she was the new girl, quiet, timid, and highly intelligent. One day, he caught sight of his "friends" picking on her. Instantly, he broke in and defended her, which cost him a broken arm, his status in school and a punctured lung.
An ear-piercing screech sounds from the window. "Shit! GET DOWN!" DJ yelled, diving to the floor. A human-sized figure crashes through the window ands lands on the carpet beside DJ. It layed motionless, allowing Jay time to get a good look at the figure. It was approximately 6 feet tall, had horrid, burned tentacles for arms, and what appeared to be goats' hooves for legs. It's face was dominated by a large mouth, which was split in three directions and opened up like a flower. Inside were rows and rows of putrid, piercing teeth. Jay pulled his trusty .44 out and placed a shot into the creature's head. It shuddered on impact and shriveled up. "Go to hell, fucking beast," he spat. DJ bolted upright and snatched the .44. "You fucking idiot! Those fuckers are attracted by sound! Now any within a ten mile radius will congregate her!" she screamed.
"Shit, I'm sorry," Jay replied sadly. From the shattered window, he could hear the shrieks of them. "We gotta go, now." he stated flatly. "No shit!" DJ replied angrily, heading for the door.

AdventureIn a world dominated by a mysterious parasitic plant, two friends, with the help of a quack doctor, attempt to wipe the blight from the earth.