#8 . Growing Her Wings

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Nyla's P

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Nyla's P.O.V

"Ny! Door for you!" I frown, getting up from the bed in the most dramatic way I can, to simply show my distaste in having to get up. I stumble down the stairs, mumbling angrily. I was perfectly fine in bed! I open the door with a bored expression to see Tyler standing on the other side. Smiling.

"Yes?" I stare at him blankly and he raises his arms to reveal boxes of hot noodles. My eyes change from despair to admiration. "Noodles?" He nods. "Teriyaki Chicken?" I eye him as he nods. "...Then welcome inside! Make yourself at home!" I grab his arm and gently pull him through the door. 

"I thought we could have another round of 'Questions Over Food'?" I roll my eyes at the name we created.

"Sounds delicious," I comment reaching out for the noodles.

"Uh, uh, uh. Not so fast, piggy. This is to save until we get to the room," He blinks at me and I retract my arms glaring at him the whole way up the stairs. I open the door and break eye contact for the time it takes for me to get comfortable on the floor. "Okay, here ya' go," He passes the noodles to me and I take it, thanking him.

"So, questions?" I say with my mouth full, he nods. "You go first,"

"Okay, well...what's your favourite childhood memory?" He asks, stuffing noodles into his mouth and moaning, saying how good it is.

"Wow, starting with the big guns huh."

"Sorry," He chuckles.

"Um, okay. When I was younger Cleyton used to always walk around town with me, and he would let me stop at every flower and pick one up. He was so patient. I love that he used to do that with me." Tyler smiles at me. "What?"

"Nothing," He doesn't stop smiling. I eye him over.

"My turn!" I pretend to be in deep thought. "If you had a chance to re-do something in your past, what would it be?" His face turns dark for a moment and then it's gone.

"And you thought I asked hard questions."

"It's not hard. You already thought of it, I saw it on your face." He looks up at me with surprise.

"I don't want to share that, it's too morbid". I wait expectantly, I don't want him to share if he is uncomfortable but I shared my dark past with him...he blows out a breath. "Fine, but...please don't look at me differently. If I could re-do a moment in my life, I would re-do the time my Parent's died." My mouth drops. "When I was younger, my Parents were in the kitchen- fighting, like usual. When I hear someone scream. And it was a scream, Nyla. A scream that cut you to the core. Then it went silent. Until I heard something fall to the floor. I thought it was a box, I thought maybe they were just fighting. I thought it was nothing. When I got up the next morning, I went downstairs and..." Tears start streaming down his face, I touch mine and realise my cheeks are already covered. "They were dead. My Dad stabbed my Mum and then he stabbed himself. I could have helped, the police said that my Mum was alive for three hours after, I could have called someone. But I slept. I FUCKING SLEPT!" Tyler starts shaking. I pull him to me, hugging him.

We stay here for ages. Me comforting him, and him realising that he isn't alone. It hurt me so much to see Tyler like this, all I could think about was hoping he never has to feel this pain again. 

"I'm sorry", He whispers, his voice hoarse.

"Don't be, you did nothing wrong",

"That's the problem. I did nothing".


Author's Note:

Hey beautiful's,
so I have been crazy busy and this is just a filler,
hope you enjoy.

You have no idea how much I like your Votes.
How much your Comments make me smile.
How much I love you reading my Book.How much you mean to me ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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