Chapter 11: Shinso Hitoshi

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        'Sarks lane....Sarks lane....Sarks lane.....uhhhh, where am I?' Midoriya thinks to himself, holding his GPS/Phone out in front of him. 'This things gotta be messed up somehow..' he tries hitting it, tapping the screen a few times, 'Where the hell is Sarks lane?'

       He looked up from his phone and looked around, 'How on earth did I get to the square?' he asks himself. He'd been searching since around nine that morning, by now it was about eleven, (Y/N) and Bakugou should already be out by now, the longer he stays out the longer those two have time alone together. Midoriya was close friends with Bakugou, but that doesn't mean he's willing to give up on his crush for him.

       'Sarks....lannnnne' he slowly thinks to himself. Walking around the square more, he finally spots it; feeling excited he breaks out in a jog. When he arrived, he stood in front of an alleyway, back facing it. He was about to step forward when a large hand covered his mouth and yanked him into the alleyway.

        Panicing, Midoriya began to flail around, grasping at the hand that covered his mouth. His captor spun him around and held him by the shoulders. Mirdoriya's eyes were screwed shut in fear until a voice whispered, "Calm down, my boy, 'tis just me!"

       Midoriya's eyes opened and was met with his all-time favorite hero. "Oh...its just All Might..." he says, relieved, "Holy crap its All Might!"

        "Yes yes, I'm sorry for scaring you like that, but I don't want to be seen out in public, especially not when I'm talking to you," he says in a hushed tone, leading Midoriya further into the empty alley. "Now, I need to talk to you about some things, but you must promise not to tell anyone, ever," All Might says, bending down and pointing a finger in Midoriya's face. Midoriya nods in excitement.


        Well, it wasn't really a poof, but more of a steamy sound that Midoriya had heard. Smoke had completely enveloped the two. Midoriya covered his mouth and coughed into it a few times, "What was that?" he asks as he uses his other hand to swat away the remaining smoke. When the smoke cleared completely, Midoriya opened his eyes, to be met with a scrawny looking skeleton man. Midoriya jumped back in alarm, that was NOT All Might....right? "Who're you! Wh..what????" He asked, panicking a little.

        "Calm down young Midoriya, it's still me, still All Might!" He says, holding Midoriya's shoulders, this seemed to calm him down a bit. He pulls up his shirt to reveal a nasty looking scar, "Five years ago, a fight destroyed almost all of my internal organs, for now, I can only do hero work for about 3 hours a day..." Skeleton Might trails off, "So that's why I'm looking for someone to give my power to."

        "Wha- Let me finish, Young Midoriya" Skeleton Might interrupts him.

         "What I saw you do that day, of the sludge incident with your friend, was very heroic, and I read up on your profile, which says you to be quirkless, is that correct?" Midoriya nods, "Well, my boy, I'm here to change that," Tears were now pricking at the corner of Midoriya's eyes, "Would you like to inherit my power, boy?"

         By now Midoriya could hardly speak, tears were spilling over his eyes, all he could do was nod furiously and wipe his face with his sleeves.

         "As much as I would love to give it to you right now, your body is not physically ready..." Skeleton Might says, "if you got it this very day, your body would literally combust."

        Midoriya's eyes go wide, "Wouldn't want that.."

        Skelton Might laughs, "No, no we wouldn't. That is why i have developed the perfect, most intense training regimen for you!!!" He exclaims, poofing back into his larger, hero form. "We start Monday! And that is all, young Midoriya, I will be leav-

Something to fight for //Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now