chapter 2

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==>____: Be the cat troll.

Mew are now the cat troll. Mewr name is Nepeta lejion and mew just saw ____ cutting herself. Why would she do that? Maybe its time to snoop on her past? No! Thats an invasion of purrivacy and mew know it! But why do mew watch her if mew won't watch her past? God damn it Nepeta, mew're confursing mewrself!

Well the god damn author of this shitty furanfic should really stop with the cat purrns! [fine, i'll stop.] Thank you. Well, where were you?Oh yes! You were about to snoop on ____'s past! Wait, no you said that was wrong. Who cares what you said? You need to know her history.

You look at the screen which is displaying past ____.

The first event:

You see ____ and her guardians in a restoration hive. Her female guardian has quite a large stomach, is she fat? You catch the word 'hospital' being said by the male guardian. That must be his name. The female guardian is taken to a room, away from ___ and 'hospital'. The two wait outside in some chairs. Three more humans show up. More guardians of hers you guess because they sit next to them.

You see they start talking and you loose interest. You decide to focus on the unnamed female guardian. You catch one of the human lusi say 'push', that must be the female human's name. Wait- what is this you're watching? There seems to be a small monkey stuck in the female's lower region. Will it get out? Is it looking for food? After a while of staring at this the monkey does come out, but its dead. HOLD IT! That monkey... It looks like a human young. The ones you saw in the kid's session. Could this be ____'s brother? But he's dead... wow... ____ must have really felt shaken over this. You had enough of this event, lets go to the next one of interest.

The second event:

____ and 'hospital' are now at a different and smaller restoration hive. 'Hospital' and a human are conversing, you decide to focus on ____. She looks so young and innocent. Shes chasing a big black lusus though. It looks like she wants to pap it. It seems to be yelling at her,"stay away with yer grubby little mits, scum!"

Eventually the big black lusus stops and ____ paps it repeatedly. Then she hugs it, ignoring its warnings. It turns its head to face behind it and its jaws close on her face. Blood. You see candy red blood. Its spilling out from under the mouth of the lusus. You can hear sobbing, 'hospital' comes in with the other human and removes the lusus from her face. Oh. Oh god. She has a flap of skin hanging over her left eye. She claims it doesn't hurt but continues sobbing. She's sobbing cause she's scared. 'Hospital' wraps a white bandage over her eye to keep the flap in place and help stop the flowing blood. She can probably only see blood now. Her male guardian asks if she's okay and she replies with yes and the crying dies down.

For some reason ____ gets back up and goes to pet the lusus. She gives it three strokes and leaves dizzily to the car. You skip ahead. Its the large restoration hive again! Oh, the female tan human seems to be sticking a needle in ____'s hand. Twenty minutes after that she's out. A male human wearing blue comes in. He begins sewing the flap back into place. ____ wakes up just as the last stitch is made. Purrfect timing. She attempts to get up after thats done, she fails due to the needle affect. A human appears with a wheelchair. That human seems to be 'hospital'. Lets see the next one.

The third event:

____ is in her respiteblock. Her guardians seem to be fighting. You catch 'Barry' and 'Cherise'. Must be their real names. You skip ahead a little. Cherise walks out of the hive door and drives away. Theres a lusus in the house that ____ is hugging. Crying into. Its big and tan-gray. Bigger than the other lusus was. Next event.

The fourth event:

Wait. This isn't ____. Its a male human. He's riding a musclebeast. Equius much? It bucks him off. His head hits a small car that seems to cut grass. Skip some. You see ____, she's by the male's corpse. She has a hood over her head, covering her eyes. She must be really sad. Oh! You skipped one!

What was supposed to be the second event:

Its at a restorationhive for lusi. You see a black cat lusus curled up and unconscious, hooked to a machine. You stare at its flank, its barely rising and falling. You skip a little bit to see ____ walk in the room with the berry- wait no- it was 'Barry'. You notice the flank isn't moving, the body is still. That must be her original lusus. So it died? Wow.

==> Stop snooping!

All right all right you'll stop snooping. You do feel bad for ____ though. She's been through so much and she's so young.

You know what you have to do. You have to get her to open up and tell you all this herself. And you know exactly how you're going to do this.

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