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harry's pov

I walk outside of my bright home, almost treading on the flowers outside. If you can call them that.

I live in a dreaded world, where nothing changes. Everything is the same, our "flowers" which are fake and all white; all sit in a straight line near buildings or houses. They got rid of all the other flowers because they were too bright, which is sad. I really wish I got to see an actual real life flower. I know what they look like somewhat, as I've seen drawings of roses and sunflowers. But never an actual flower. 

I made my way towards school, wearing the same thing every student wears; a grey shirt with khakis. Lucky for me, it's my last day of school, and in the next few days; I am going to be married with a job, and planning to have kids. I didn't want to do this though, not that there's anything wrong with people who do. But it's just, it feels like there should be more to this life. 

Like, you're born, you're paired with someone of a different sex to marry,  you spend time in daycare till you're 5, then you go off to school where they don't teach you anything of importance, just stuff to drive you into a certain career. Than once you turn 18 you take a stupid test, marry the person they set you up with, and then have kids and that's it. That's life. 

It's just so boring. 

I've always felt different to other as well, like everyone around me is okay with this. I've not met one person who realized like me, that maybe they need more. We learned about the word fun one day in school, and they made it sound like it was what we are all doing to be happy, that everyone is having fun.

Well, I'm not having fun. 

I walk into the school building, which was just a giant box with multiple rooms, all connected by a conveyor belt. I scanned my number on my wrist at the conveyor, stepping on the platform and being taking to my first and only class of the day, Male Job Studies. It's a required class, which like it says in the name, we study jobs that only males can do and how we have to fund for our families. I hate it. 

But what I do like about this class is my crush, Connor, sits at the front of the class, and he's fine as hell. 

I know it's weird to crush on a boy, especially since I am going to be paired with someone else. But I just find boys hotter than girls. Always have, I think that's whats wrong with me. 

I'd never act on my actions though, I mean I have no choice to; with my mum and dad being the top names in government. I can't make them look bad. 

We sat down in class and our teacher started talking about the test and what we need to be prepared for in life; I was listening in and out as I kept looking at Connor and gushing over him. 

I'm definitely attracted to guys with blue eyes, they're my favorite on men. And Connor's got them. 


Class went on for a while. I had a lot of parenting books with me and job books that I am meant to study for the two tests I am going to take. The first one tomorrow is the parenting test, my partner who's name is Courtney, also has to take it with me, and it'll determine how many kids we need to have and what genders. 

In case you're wondering about the gender thing, we have a pill which changes the baby's gender into what you are meant to have. I'm starting to wonder if when my mum took it if it screwed up and that's why I like boys. 

I make my way back home, scratching at the number on my wrist like usual. Then setting my book-bag down as I study all of the material I was given. 

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