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Important a/n! Nov 2017

I've proofread the chapters beforehand and made some changes. 

Updates (story-wise):

1. I've changed the flower in the woods from an amaranth to a red dahlia

2. I've gotten rid of the gas station confrontation, so Lola has not met a character yet

3. I redid the prologue (I didn't add any big scenes, but it does go into more detail about the scenario and might clue readers in as to where Lyra was during the scene)

Thanks to everyone for the support! I have 30 votes on my story and I am so excited! Special thanks to @IyunicyI for the helpful comments and support!

idk if i'll update next week due to finals 


Lola's feet struck the dead earth of the forest. Sweat started to collect in the most awkward places, and her hair was a dense bush of curls that swung wildly against the unrelenting wind. She could hear scattered growls and barks as they hunted her. She forced her arms to drive her forward as her chest burned with her efforts.

If she just got a bit closer...

The moon seemed to beam upon the enticing flowers, and they danced beneath her, in a cool pool of moonlight.

She leaped towards her sister's hand in desperation but as her fingers brushed her sibling Lyra turned to ash.

Her body slammed onto the ground, sharp thorns pierced the soft flesh of her face. She could hear the growls of wolves nearing her as she lay on the bed of red dahlias, defeated.

A warm breath caressed the hot skin of her neck. Her body grew slack as she immediately yielded to the creature.

Lola could feel sharp claws delve into the tough skin of her back. She let out a soft whimper when the claws deliberately scratched her shoulder. The pressure on her back was suddenly cast aside, and she let out a pitiful cry for help.

Revolting pops and cracks could be heard as she tried to pick herself up off the ground. Help. Her eyes focused on something that glittered in the moonlight.

The butterfly clip.

She crawled towards it before getting up and throwing herself towards it. She would live. She cradled the clip in her hand. She did live.


Lola felt like hell the next morning. Her father had told her grandmother of her menstrual pains, and in turn, Jody had prescribed a tea and body mist. Admittedly the tea had helped mitigate her heat and eased the tender ache of her tummy.

After tea she decided to get ready, maybe she would check out the college campus today. I've got so many boxes to unpack though.

She wanted to forgo wearing makeup but decided against it. If she did go out, then she didn't feel like giving people bait to look at her.

Today they would be seeing their new house, so at least Jody's pitying stares wouldn't stalk her all day.

After an hour of pancaking makeup onto her dark skin, she sighed in contentment and forced herself to smile.

You look good today. She thought as she examined her cheek, someone would have to know it was there to recognize the faint lines through the makeup.

After a painfully slow goodbye to her grandmother, they were yet again on the road. Their house wasn't too far from the bakery.

Her dad had attempted to make conversation with her, but she just shut him down with clipped responses. He pushed forward still and attempted to talk about her panic attack the night before.

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