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Please call me, I'll buy you food

I can't deal with this chick, she is insane! I have to find a way to get rid of her. I pretend to go to the toilet but really I was going to ring Brandie. She always knows what to do. That's what's so great about her.
"Hey, how's your day?" Brandie says casually, but I have no time for chit chat, Brooke could be doing some more weird shit in my room and I don't exactly want her to.
"Hey, sorry I'm in a rush can you help me?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"My manger is a total nut case and I can't deal with it. I need a new manger but how do I break it to her gently?"
"Don't, with crazy people, you try and try but they won't listen, let be real: the meaner the better. It will get through to her and she will never come back."
I felt tingles in my arm. That was the best advice I have received, even if it was for getting rid of a wacko. We say our good byes and I get ready for dismissing Brooke. It feels like a long walk back to my room. I know what I'm going to say though I am I am ready.

"Ok look Brooke, you are crazy," I say right before I enter the room. "In my career I have no time a wacky crazy bitch in my life. I have so much going on and you are making this very hard to work. Now before you say anything I am telling you I leave. I will be getting a new manger too." That felt good. I was in control in I have never felt in control before.

"Thanks for that Charlie. That was all I needed." Brooke had a straight face. She seemed like a normal person.
"Um, what just happened."
"I was told that you had Asperger's syndrome and I used to specialise in teens with disabilities. I worked with lots of teenagers and this strategy help them controlling a difficult situation. You have proved that you can do anything and if you ever have a hard time in this career, then you can remember back this day, you will overcome anything."
I get watery eyes. This was so motivating and now I am not afraid of anything anymore because I can do anything.

"Ok now, let's go through this paper work, shall we?" I nod my head because I can't speak.


We finally finished all of it. It took nearly 4 hours. I had writers cramps in my hand and I was getting restless.
"I say we have lunch. Starbucks?" I offer.
"I have somewhere to be, sorry, but we can meet up next time." Brooke says politely. I take it on the chin. She is a busy lady so I understand.
"I'll see you out?" I say
"Thank you."

Even though Brooke didn't go to lunch I was hungry, I needed food. I had heard of this place in the Main Street called Taco Bell so I decided to check it out. I have drop off my paperwork to the front desk first before I leave, to get it over and done with.

I walk there. It isn't far, that's why I walk instead of getting a cab. It's 12:00 so I have 2 hours before I meet Gigi. I wonder what she has in stall for me? That is the least of my worries actually, I am starving. I finally make it there and I see Nick, of course, I'm starting to think that he is stalking me.
"Hey Blue, stalking me now?"
"I was going to ask you the same question. Can I sit?"
Nick kicked the chair out and I sat. He was having two spicy wraps with chicken, cheese and beans. I ordered the same thing. Starbucks was really busy so by the time my food came, Nick had to go back to work. That's okay, I needed alone time. I haven't properly been alone in New York before so this was good.

My food finally came after 30 minutes. I was reading a book Brandie lent me. My sisters keeper, by Jodie Picoult. It was a tear jerker but I loved the tears, it made me feel something.

1:30pm. Shit, I really needed to go, I'm going to be late with meeting Gigi. I pack up all my stuff and leave right away. It's a lovely walk back to work but a I felt rushed. The other girls really liked me and I didn't want to ruin our relationship. I run through the doors: 1:58. I was on time, thank fuck for that. There wasn't anyone at the front desk which was weird, but she is probably at lunch.

I walk up the hall and see that most people are in there rooms. That's pretty weird, I thought everyone was meeting me in the common room. Maybe it's just Gigi? I keep walking and then I reach the common room. There is blood everywhere and then I see the lady from the front desk lying in a pool of it. In shock, I don't do anything. I turn and see a note stuck to the wall be a knife: New York is gorgeous Charlie, I might just live here, I hope you don't mind.

I scream in fear. No fucking way.

Charlie RoseWhere stories live. Discover now