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Eun Tak

Everything came rushing back, I quickly went to the front of the christmas store and lit up the candle on the front, and blew it up, crying as every memory with him came crashing back, how we went to Quebec when I was 19, as well as catching the maple leaf, and talking to a English Talking Ghost.

I immediately cried, wiping the falling tears.

I slightly chuckle from the memory, but nothing stops my tears from falling.

I missed him, I miss him...

"Eun Tak?" He said, shocked that I had summoned him.

"Ajusshi, I-I remember.. I r-remember e-everything." Quickly as he appeared, I ean up to him and hugged him tightly, scared he would once disappear and my memories are again erased, I sobbed into his chest.

"I missed you, Eun Tak."

"Salanghae Eun Tak." He murmured as he hugged back, tightly as well.

"Nado Salanghae." As I cried yet smiled into his chest.

Loving the warmth that surrounds me, being in his arms.

And I already know he's smiling.

Well this was short but anyways..
It's close to christmas, so yeah, as well, this is in episode 16 or 15, I guess?

Thank you so much for the reads as I recently checked, 1.43K?! Thank you so so much!

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