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[ jealous ]

"Ajusshi! You still haven't granted any of my wishes!" Eun Tak yelled when she entered the kitchen.

"Ya! You're already a part-timer in the chicken shop."

"You just did that to see the manager!" Eun Tak puffed her cheeks.

"Ya! I did not! I just narrowed it so you would be accepted as a part-time in the chicken shop!" The goblin defended himself from her accusing stares.

"Whatever! You still haven't granted my part-timer wish and boyfriend wish."

"Why do you keep wishing about a boyfriend?!"

"Should I break someone's legs to make you realize.."

"That this short-tempered goblin is you're boyfriend!" And when the Goblin was done, he walked off, he was pissed off and jealous.

"Why did he became upset?" Eun Tak purposely yelled.

And the Goblin went back look at her and Eun Tak went quiet and the Goblin once again, walked off, and left Eun Tak.

Eun Tak getting a drink but can't help to smile, so she ran away to her room and kept smiling while holding the open bottle.

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