Chapter Three

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I'm in a bad mood so if you don't like the chapter, you can piss off.

Picture of Cade's dress.


Chapter Three


Jebadiah barged into my bedroom as I was getting ready a week later and glared at me. “I want you to take a break,” he said.

 I raised an eyebrow. “What?” I asked, pulling down the white shirt over my bare stomach.

“I want you to take a break from being Beta. You obviously need time…I want you to go to the Star Pack and stay with Sierra until you’re ready to come back. You can train the wolves there,” he said, his hazel eyes cold as he stared at me.

What? He wanted me to leave my home and go to a whole different state? How could he expect that of me? “No,” I flat out refused.

“You have no choice, Cade. You’re not being yourself. You act like all perfect in front of everyone, but we all know that you’re not okay!” he said harshly. The tears pushed at my eyes, but this time Jebadiah didn’t budge. “You stole my car that day! I told you not to go – I gave you an order. You went against me. We’re still in a war, Cade. You can’t do foolish things and go off by yourself!”

The walls seemed to be closing in around me. I scampered away until my back hit the wall. “If you try to send me away, I’m going to do what Sierra did,” I threatened, meeting his gaze head-on. Jebadiah was walking towards me, but he stopped dead when my words left my lips.

Losing her twin, Darren, made Sierra break. She found a knife that had a silver blade and mutilated herself. She became a shell, with scars all over her arms and legs and stomach. But then she met Ryan from the Star Pack who had temporarily moved here. Of course, they moved back soon after as adjusting was a bit difficult and took Sierra with them. I haven’t seen Sierra for around two months.

“Cade…please. We’re worried about you,” Jeb begged.

“Don’t try to send me away, Jebadiah. If you do, I promise you, you’re never going to see me again,” I growled, my breathing becoming erratic. “I’ll do what Kellan’s mate did.” Kellan was the Beta of the Moon Pack and his mate had killed herself by sticking a knife through her heart after losing her twin babies while they were still in her womb.

Jebadiah stepped closer to me and I shrunk back. When he was a yard away from me, I began to cry, sliding down the wall until I was sitting. “I promise I’ll try to be better. Please don’t make me go.”

With a sigh, he knelt down and brought me closer to him. “You promise you’ll be good?” he asked.

I nodded. “I’ll try,” I breathed.

He sighed. “This is your last chance, Cade. You can’t just mess around anymore,” he told me seriously, holding me by the shoulders.

“You can’t threaten to send me off to different states then,” I told him fiercely, wiping my cheeks off any excess tears.

“Deal.” He smiled, even though it was strained and kissed me on the forehead. Suddenly, he grasped my chin and stared at me hard in the eyes, his fingers bruising on my skin. “But don’t you ever threaten me like that again. If I hear you talking about anything to do with suicide or self-mutilation, I’m going to have you thrown down into the prison room again and keep you locked there,” he growled, hazel eyes alight with fire.

My eyes widened to circles. “I won’t,” I said, trying to make my voice calm. I wasn’t sure if he would actually do that or not, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

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