Chapter Four

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So, this is probably a shitty chapter. I'm going to do a time skip cause I don't want this to end up like 30 chapters, so the next chapter will probably be like a few months later instead of weeks. 

Also, sorry about the Whispered Secrets delay. I'm working on it. It's hard to write that one when I'm so into writing Bitter Love. It comes more easily.

The lovely cover was done by the lovely ClariiY. Thank you for making my cover!


Chapter Four


Kristen got hungry after an hour of shopping, so we went to the food court for burgers and fries. I was sitting on a chair, watching the music videos that were playing on the TVs hanging from the ceilings in interest while Kristen was getting our food.

I began to get tired of waiting, so I looked over towards where Kristen was. She was talking to the girl behind the counter and it didn’t look like she was very happy either. I was ready to go over there and see what was going on when someone intercepted my path.

“Hello,” he said, flashing a charming smile at me.

Looking up, I stared into the soulful eyes of a black haired man. He had skin the color of milk chocolate and there were laugh lines around his mouth. He was tall, only a few inches shorter than Jebadiah. The man was handsome, but I just wanted him to get out of my way, so I could see what was taking Kristen so long.

“Hi,” I replied lamely.

He held out his hand for me to shake. I tentatively took it. His hand was warm and gentle around mine. “My name is Cory Williams. I work at a modeling agency and you happen to have everything that we’re looking for,” he said, smiling.

Modeling? This guy wanted me to be a model? I looked down at myself. A model. I guess I had what it took. I had the body and the face. But didn’t you need personality to be a model? I didn’t have that. I was cold, cruel and violent. It was only usually around Michael I dropped all the layers of my shell and let myself be genuinely happy.

“Uh,” I stuttered and caught myself. I was stuttering? I never stuttered. But the offer was so spontaneous and unexpected, it shocked me.

“Cade isn’t interested,” Kristen said, coming up behind Cory. She was carrying two trays full of food easily.

Cory’s smile faded. “And you are?” he asked, looking her up and down.

“Her friend,” Kristen replied vaguely. “Cade isn’t going to be a model.”

He looked annoyed. “Shouldn’t Miss Cade make her own decisions?” he asked Kristen.

I cut in before they could go any further. “Kristen is right. I don’t really want to be a model, Mr. Williams,” I said, putting on a fake, apologetic smile. When in all honestly, I didn’t feel bad at all. They wanted to make money off of my body. It was like prostitution.

Looking defeated, he sighed and nodded. “Alright. But if you ever change your mind, please give us a call,” he said, handing me a card. It had his company’s name, his name and a number. I held it in my hands because I didn’t have a pocket to put it in.

“Thanks. I will,” I said, brushing back locks of loose, curly black hair and tucking it behind my ears.

Cory gave me an upbeat smile, shot Kristen a dirty look, then walked away. I choked on a laugh and sat back down, taking one of the trays from Kristen’s hand. I instantly unwrapped the foil around the burger and dug in.      

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