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Contrary to popular belief, archangels are not the highest rank of angels. Whilst the term archangel comes from the greek arkángelo, literally meaning Chief Messanger, the highest ranking choirs of angels are Seraphim with Cherubim coming second. Archangels are merely the highest choir in the triad of angels to commune with or be linked to the corporeal realm of earth.

The best-known Archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Lucifer/Samael (although it is also believed that he was a Seraph as well)

An Archangel, although lesser known about, can also belong to another choir in one of the two other triads. For example, both Michael and Gabriel would also be Seraphim due to their abilities to commune with Deity and their closeness to Deity in order to perform their divine duties on earth. Another proof for this is that Seraphim and Cherubim such as Raziel and Chamuel are also referred to as Archangels on top of their already stated ranks.

An Archangel will not fulfil the duties of a guardian, who will stay with a human for the entirety of the human's life, but will travel between giving suggestive guidance to humans that will pray for it. An Archangel's duty is to tend to the collective as opposed to the singular.

E.g. Michael governs over the guardians, Ariel governs over the angels of animals and nature whilst governing over animals and nature herself, and Uriel governs over the angels of knowledge alongside Raziel and Chamuel.

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