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(Hey, sorry for not posting in awhile, I've been SUPER busy, but I'm so excited to write this next part for you guys, enjoy!)

*Aphmau's POV

I knew I had to talk to Rachel, but I also knew that we needed to have a rational conversation if I was to get any information from her. Right now, I don't think I would have been able to talk to her, or anyone for that matter, rationally. I was distraught. I put Aaron and his family in danger. I am the reason his father is dead. And now I'm supposed to talk to his mom and expect her not to be upset with me? To be honest, the reason I'm not talking to her is that, I'm scared. I know it's selfish to put off this important conversation, but I don't even know what I'd say to her.

I didn't want to risk bumping into anyone I knew, I needed to be alone for awhile, so I walked down the trail near our house that I knew no one ever went on. Probably because of the uneven ground, I don't even think the trail was completely ready for travelers yet, but at that moment I didn't really care. I was walking down the trail, thinking about everything, when I heard someone whisper in my ear from behind me. Before I could register what they were saying, I felt their breath... cold, and lifeless. Then I heard the raspy menacing tone they used. I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"What are you doing here... all alone?" he grinned.

"Ein," I grumbled, about to turn around and give him a piece of my mind, when I felt his hand clasp against my mouth and the other, effortlessly throw me to the ground.

I didn't remember much after that. I'm pretty sure he knocked me out. He took me somewhere, must have been far, I remember being in a plane at some point. But I had no power over myself. I knew this feeling all too well. 

The first thing I felt clearly when I could think straight again, was a bright light on my face. I opened my eyes and quickly scanned my surroundings. I was in a dark room, except for the light over my head, and strapped tightly to a table, my mouth was free though, that's a start.

"Finally awake I see," Ein said, stepping into the light. Just by looking at him, he seemed weak, tired, but that just wasn't true. His streak of hair dye was still there, very faint, but I could see it. The rest of his hair seemed to become a dark grey, instead of the black it once was. Though he no longer had fangs, even his human teeth held the malicious quality that they always did. Ein had many scars now, over his face, arms, everywhere I could see, many more than Aaron did, even before I healed some of them. Even though he didn't seem to have changed that much, there was one thing about him that threw me off. His eyes. They used to be a blue-grey, full of rage and hate, but now, they were a bright emerald green. Emerald green. Memories flashed through my mind... horrible ones. But I quickly pushed them away, before I could think further, Ein seemed to take my silence as an opening for him to speak again.

"He finally turned you... did he?"

"I-I asked him to!" I quickly retorted, maybe not the best decision to get all roweled up but, what did I care really?

"You did now? Why in the world would you do that?" He questioned, still smirking.

"It's none of your business," I said, grumpily.

"Alright, it doesn't matter anyway. You are finally ready... perfect... I just need to finish up this potion and you'll make a great bride," Ein cackled.

"I will never be in a relationship with you, you monster!" I screamed.

"I know you won't, but with this potion, that won't be an issue," Ein explained.

"I'm not going to let a stupid potion cause me to hurt anyone... not again!" I stated.

"Ooh! Is that a ring? Might be worth something," Ein waltzed over and quickly grabbed my ring off my finger.

"Hey! Aaron gave that to me! GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled, full of anger.

"So he finally dropped the question, did he?" Ein twirled the ring around his fingers.

"Yeah, he did. And he's waiting for me. I'm not going to stay here and let him worry! I'm going to find a way out of this. You. Can't. Win," I told him, glaring at him.

"Sure, sure. And you thought the same thing last time, didn't you? And who's here now, tied up to a table against her will?" Ein rolled his eyes.


"Well that remains a mystery, doesn't it?" Ein sighed.

"Why are you doing this? What do you want from me? Why?" I inquired helplessly.

"You poor clueless soul. Isn't it obvious?"

"You've already hurt me and the people I love, what more could you take from me?"

"Oh darling, I don't want anything from you. You're very important to my plan though, to get something I want from someone else," Ein said bluntly.

"What? How could locking me up get you what you want?" I asked.

"I've checked every place I failed, any time I have found faults in my plans. And you know who it always comes back to?"

". . ."

"Your little friend, Aaron. He's ruined everything for me. And now? It's time for revenge!" He growled.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I screamed violently, now attempting to rip myself out of the binds that held me to the table.

"Don't worry, I won't need to. Hurting him would be satisfying for me, yes, but the only way to truly make him suffer is to take away what matters most to him," Ein stated.

I knew immediately what he meant.


(I'm moving the plot along, yay! I hope this part left you at the edge of you seat. DUN DUN DUN! lol)

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