Attempting Escape

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(I'M AT 1K VIEWS!!?!?! That's absolutely insane!!! Tysm for all your support! I'm trying my hardest to post new parts every 4 days or so and make it interesting, but it gets difficult so... bear with me! Do you guys actually read these author note things I write? If you do, comment, "yes" in the chat ;)

*Aphmau's POV

It's been a few hours since I knocked out Ein and found out that he took me across the world. I'm very angry at him for doing this to me, but more so, I'm excruciatingly upset, because now there's no way that Aaron will be able to find me. But I will see him again, no doubt about that. 

"Ugh..." I heard a groan from across the room. No! Ein's conscious!

But luckily I did trap him, so he won't be escaping... for now.

"What the?!" He yelled.

"How the tables have turned..." I smirked at him, trying to hide how terrified I really was. I wasn't going to be able to hold him here for very long.

"What happened?!" Ein growled. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I chuckled. 

Ein began screaming, yelling, and constantly tearing at the bonds that kept him strapped to the table. I decided it would be safer to go through one of the doors than to stay here. So, ignoring Ein, I walked over to the three doors and picked the one in the middle. Why not? 

I opened the door expecting there to be some creepy jumpscare or something behind it. But this isn't a horror movie, it was just an office. Nothing interesting or helpful in sight. Except... a charger! Yes! I can charge my phone and get in contact with Aaron easily now! I still don't know exactly where I am because the map wasn't very specific, but at least this is a start.

I plugged my phone in and while I waited for it to power up, I looked around the room.  I saw some portraits on the walls and hoped they might give me a clue to whose office this was. But they were all just random pieces of art, the whole office was just really generic. Nothing was personalized. Weird. 

Strangely, Ein seemed to have stopped screaming. I wondered if maybe he had escaped!? So I walked out of the room only to find that he was still on the table, but he was panting terribly. Before he noticed me, I ran back into the office. 

I held down the power button on my phone and the screen lit up. I smiled and thought of how wonderful it would be to hear Aaron's voice again. As it turned on, I rehearsed what I was going to say. I didn't want to ramble, but I wanted him to know exactly what was going on. When my phone turned on, I pressed his contact and closed the office door. 

"Aaron?" I whispered at first.

"Aphmau! Is that really you?" Aaron replied.

"Yes, I probably can't talk for long though, I don't want Ein to know that my phone is working. But basically he kidnapped me when I was out taking a walk and he has me in some strange building. I managed to catch him in his own trap, but I won't be safe for long," I explained as clearly as I could.

"Did he hurt you?" 

"No, I'm fine... for now."

"Do you know specifically where you are? I know he took you somewhere on a plane, but I don't know where," He sounded very panicked, and I tried to act confident when I spoke to him, so he wouldn't worry too much. 

"I-I don't know exactly where I am. But I do know that I'm definitely not in Starlight anymore."

"Can you be any more specific?"

"I... well I'm on the other side of the world, Aaron."

"WHAT?! How could you have traveled so far in so little time?! It's only been a few days!" 

"I have no clue, and I also don't even know what city I'm in.. or what building, nothing! If I can sneak past Ein, I can send you a picture of the map, and maybe my phone can tell me where I am more specifically."

"Okay, good plan. Try to work quickly okay... I'm worried about you." 

"I'm going to go as fast as I can. Aaron, don't worry yourself too much. Get some rest. We'll be together again soon enough."

"I'll try."

"I love you," I told him, pressing the end call button. But one last sentence could be heard before it ended:

"I love you more."

Darn it! I had it last time! This is kind of a little game we play, we try to see who can say "I love you more" last when we stop talking. Stupid, I know, but I think it's kinda cute. 

Now that I had somewhat of a plan set up, I snuck around the corner to get a look at Ein. He must have made himself super exhausted trying to escape because he was out cold. Not because I knocked him out this time. 

I tiptoed past him and over to the map. Then I pulled out my phone and sent a picture of it to Aaron. 

*Aphmau's phone

Aaron:  So you weren't kidding.

Aphmau: Nope.

Aaron: I'm going to book a flight to get to you right now.

Aphmau: Aaron?

Aaron: Hmm?

Aphmau: Be safe... please.

Aaron: I will. Hang tight okay?

Aphmau: I'll try.

*Aphmau's POV

I decided my next move would have to be to get out of this building. I'd have to get as far away from Ein as I could while I had the upper hand on him. If I got in, there must be a way out.

I sprinted to the airplane and went inside, maybe that would give me some clues? I walked over to the door on the other side, but it was bolted shut.

"Going somewhere?" asked a familiar voice.

"Huh- what? No, I just..." I was trying to make some sort of excuse until I turned around and saw who I was speaking to.

"VYLAD?!" I nearly screamed.

"APHMAU?!" He replied with the same enthusiasm. 

"What the heck are you doing here? You don't work for Ein, do you?" I questioned him hesitantly.

"Ein? No, I'm a pilot. I just happened to have been assigned to fly private jets this week. I was told that I was to fly Mr.Ein here so that he could question a criminal he had on board. Never specified who though." he explained.

"So that's how he covered for himself, is it?" I scowled. 

"You aren't um... a criminal though, are you?"

"No! Of course not. Stupid Ein took me here to get revenge on his old enemy. He's taking advantage of both of us."

"So he's the criminal then?"

"Yes. Of course, I don't have any proof..." Vylad put his hand on my shoulder.

"I trust you. And I'm here to help. Let's get you home." This was the first thing that made me smile in a long time.

(Thanks for reading peeps! Do you guys like the length of these parts or do you want them shorter/longer?)

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