10;Armanis P.O.V

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I fell asleep as soon as i left the group chat. I woke up in a bed all alone with no Finn. hes probably with Sadie right now. It hurts to think of it, but its hard to forget it. I needed more weed, i used to smoke, when me and Finn started talking. I mean there was no need to, when i was with Finn there was no pain. I never thought i'd be smoking because of Finn. Anyways i got up and got ready to go to the smoke shop. i put on a black crop top, light high wasted jeans, my gucci slides and got my gucci bag.I walked out the clout house. I decided i should walk and try to get Finn off my mind. Worst mistake of my life i got attacked with paparazzi, asking questions about how im doing about the Finn thing. i decided to just stay quite though. they soon stopped following me. i finally made it to the smoke shop, i went inside and got 1 oz of weed. I just put in my purse after paying. i walked down the street, to see a big crowd. It was probably just some youtuber, i mean alot of people live in LA. I got a glanced that was and saw who it was . Of course, it was Finn. Out of all the people in LA really? this i the last person I want to see. Sadly he saw me, he started running towards me with a big group of girls right behind him. I started walking as fast as i could, i really dont wanna talk to him right now, or ever. " ARMANI PLEASE" finn says running towards me still. " GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME FINN SHOULDNT YOU BE WITH SADIE!" i said. " armani please just let me ta-" Finn says before i cut him off. " im sorry Finn i really am but i just can't talk to you right now" i said. "Why" he says with his voice cracking sounding like he was about to cry. "because i love you, but yesterday you showed me how much you don't love me" i said then then my uber came to pick me up, before Finn could even say anything i just got in the car. then i went home. I felt super bad. But why should i he kissed Sadie?

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