Chapter 9

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I take my clothes. Ugh, they smell like salt! I put them in the bathroom. Well, what shall I wear then for today? I open the wardrobe. Even though it's full of clothes I have the feeling that it's empty. I really need to do shopping! I choose a black shirt with the letters 'the crazy girl', a black-white short and black sneaker. I attempt to visit 'the young superteens' today because today is the semi-final of the rap group. I go down and ask for a typical American sandwich and hot milk with honey. Suddenly they come down. When they see me, they smile brightly. I turn my face to the other side. I do not want to see their stupid faces anymore! I eat my sandwich quickly and go toward the shopping district of San Francisco. I go a little around and then I see a Zara, which is at least 3 times bigger than the one in Glasgow! I go in, wow! It is enormous! So many clothes! I don't know how long I spent my time inside this shop! But when I finished and go out I have 3 bags full of clothes! On the one hand I'm happy, that I've so many new clothes. On the other hand it hurts because I almost spend all of my money! Seems I have to ask mom for money again... It I already dark, I think it is better that I go back to the hotel again. When I arrived, I go immediately up to my room. I take a dark-blue dress with little blue flowers on the side, a black legging and a pair of dark-grey high-heels out, and put them on. Then I put some make up on my face. Finish! I look at the clock: 8 o'clock p.m... Already so late?! The show begins at half past nine no? I take out the paper with all the dates. Half-past nine. I still have to eat! I run down to the restaurant. What do they have for dinner? Chinese Chow Fun Noodles, Kerupuk with legumes and rice, Draniki with Pelemy or spicy boiled yams. I choose Kerupuk because you can eat it faster than the others stuffs. I called a taxi beforehand and begin to eat the Kerupuk really fast! The taxi arrives when I finished my food. Already nine o'clock! They will begin in 30 minutes!

-Stage 'the young superteens' please. And fast I don't have much time.

- Roger young lady.

After 20 minutes we arrive before the stage. Good I still have 10 minutes.

-That will cost you 35$, young lady.

I give him 35$. It is so expensive! Well at least I'm not late. But unlucky when I enter the door, there is a line of a few dozen people, who are waiting to get in. So I had no other choice than to wait behind them. When I finally managed to enter, I'm already 13 minutes late. 2 rap songs already finished. The third one was ongoing:

So we are here to take the prize

(Refrain) No matter what you do, we do it better

No matter where you are, don't forget to write a letter

You shall send it to us and beg for grace

But it will only happen if you go to space

So the same will be with this rap challenge

No one will been able to block our passage

And if someone try to take on us without knowledge

Then we will whip them out with full damage

Only a few steps more

And we will stand on the top floor

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