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A/n just buckle up. Let hope it's not shit. I'm hoping it won't be. Also I you spot a * (the little star) it involves smut.

Meghan; just out of university living life enjoying her new found love of freedom and a new job. She helps create billboards and marketing with a small company in downtown Toronto. She loves Toronto. She moved there when she moved to Ontario for university just 4 years ago.
She used to live in Vancouver which she misses dearly but loves living independently. Her family hesitated as for her to live across the country.
She is single for the first time in almost 3 years. Her ex- boyfriend didn't approve of her working so hard for what she wants. So she had to chose between him, or her job. And clearly we know which one she chose. Ever since the breakup she's been happy. Not determined to find a new guy in her life. She believes in fate. When it's time to meet a guy it will happen.

Shawn; in the army. He chose to help people. Everyone has different ways of helping; he chose the army. His mum was hesitant, putting himself in danger like that, but didn't detour him else where.
When he left his home in Pickering Ontario it hurt him so bad. He promised his sister, Aaliyah to come back in one piece. So he promised her he would come back. He never breaks his promise.
Ever since he enrolled into the army his girlfriend was also hesitant but felt it was right to let him do his thing.
Besides his big heart for helping people he has another passion; singing. When him and his army buddies have the time he strums the guitar and sings his heart out. Makes him feel like he's back home singing for his parents. When his girlfriend unfortunately left him before he left he made a promise to never be with someone long enough to hurt him. He hated being hurt especially by people he thought he loves. He left lost and confused.
But when a beautiful woman comes into his life will he change his ways for her?
---yes this is short BUT chapters will be longer. Trust me they will be longer. Hope you enjoy this ❤❤

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