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A/n this shit is LONG!!!!!! Also I just figured what schedule I will be doing for this book; I plan on posting 3 times a week if I can; probably Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm still not positive about the time, but it might be at like 8pm est. Haven't yet decided. But anyway hope you enjoy this long ass chapter ❤❤❤


I sit in the car of a total stranger. If my mother saw what I was doing she would kill me. I sit in the car while he  drives into Toronto, we are quite, it's weird,  being so silent.
I look over at him while he's driving and glances over at me and then back to the road.
"Wanna listen to some music?" He asks pointing to the radio. I nod and reach for the volume knob and so does he. 
His hands are warm.
I let out a chuckle and remove my hand quickly.
"No, no you chose the music" He say turning his attention back to the road.
I shyly smile and raise the volume, John Mayer; In the Blood instantly playing.
I settle back in the seat with a content smile.
"You like Mayer too?" He says with amusement in his voice.
I look over and chuckle with a nod. "Oh yeah of course. You're crazy if you don't listen to him"
"Agreed" He chuckles and he glances over and sees me smiling widely.
"So-" I hesitate and shift my body to face him a little bit better. "-tell me about your self"
He glances over at me and smiles.
"I'm Shawn, I'm 22, love muffins, hate tomatoes-" I chuckle and shake my head
"-oh! And I just came back from Afghanistan for being there for 17 months" My eyes go wide with the last statement and knits my eyebrows together.
"What were you there for?" I ask says while he  park the car. 
"I'm in the army" I say while we both get out of the car.
"So how did you know exactly what to do with my hand?" I ask looking down at my bandage covered palm "-I mean like does everyone in the army know how to do that?" I ask trying not to sound rude.
"I mean yeah, they know how to handle themselves, but I'm a medic. I'm the dude that helps other dudes while they are fighting"
We start to walk the streets of Toronto leading to the pizza place.
We walk the streets of Toronto his hands in his pockets and him telling me about his time in the army.
"Oh yeah, it was hard at first. I mean you live with your parents for so long, and then boom no more. Took a lot of adjusting." I nod fascinated at knowing him.
He let's out a sigh and opens the door to the pizza place.
"Hey! What up Shawn!" In waves a worker slicing pizza and placing them back in the display.
"What would you like?" He asks slightly nudging my shoulder and I add a little chuckle scrunhing my nose and doing the same. He adds a laugh.
"Ummm. Cheese." The man behind the counter nods and places the piece in the oven to heat it up and turns his attention to Shawn.
"You know what I want man. The usual" He says with a funny look on his face.
The guy puts his hands up in defense and chuckles "well you've been gone so long I don't remember"
"Ha ha very funny" Shawn says with a laugh.
We get our pizza and sit down. I roll up my sleeves and sit comfortably on the cushioned chair.
"So wait, what happens of you get hurt? Are you all fucked or something?" I say drinking my water.
He shakes hi head no and swallows his pizza "I mean sorta. If they get hurt and I'm hurt they won't know what to do."
I nod and smile "so they'd be fucked?" I ask being confused.
Shawn nods and laughs "I guess I can't get hurt then can I?" I shake my head and bite into my pizza.
"Enough about me. You tell me about yourself." Shawn says while taking a big bite of his one of two slices of pizza.
I cover my mouth to finish chewing and swallow quickly.
"I'm Meghan,  absolutely hate tomatoes, muffins are good." I smile and he brings his hand up and I slap it quickly.
"But really. What do you do?" He asks with amazement.
"I work work in advertising. The creative drawing department" Shawn nods and he let's out a sigh
"Enough of this awkward shit. I want to really know you. Like really know you. What's your favorite movie?"
I give a confused look and think for a bit.
"I honestly don't know. I have too many. Let me be a common girl and say Clueless." I say with a chuckle. I look down at my bottle of water and lean my chin on the top.
"What's your favorite movie?" I ask while he throws away both of our plates.
"Harry Potter by far." He says with a chuckle.

We leave the pizza place waving goodbye to the guy and heading back to his car but stops in front of me. "I just wanna say, I had and still having a good time."
I look up meeting his deep brown eyes and smile widely
"Me too. Your not so much of an asshole."
He looks down at the ground and scratches the back of his head. "I'm sorry about that truly. I just-"
I stop him and place my hand on the side of his face and make him look at me. "It's okay. All that matters is that you aren't that anymore."
He weakly smiles and leads me to his Jeep.
We get to my apartment that I gave the address without any hesitation.
He leads me to my lobby entrance,  his hands in his pockets again. "I had a great time" He smiles and I smile too.
"Yeah me too. Thanks again for helping with my hand." Looking down at my hand again.
He smiles shyly and let's out a sigh.
"Aren't you going to ask for my number?" I say at a whisper and his eyes got wide and nods his head.
"I was getting to that" He says with a chukle.
I put my number in his phone and hand him his phone back.
"Well bye, Meghan. Talk to you soon." I nod and start to walk in my apartment when my phone starts to ring.
I fish for my phone and answer without even looking.
"Hello?" I say in confusion at the such late time someone to be calling.
"I just wanted to make sure I didn't get a bogus number." A guys distinguished as Shawn.
I turn around quickly and smile widely. I hang up and walk closer to him.
"You're something else Shawn."
He smiles widely as well.
"I hope that's a good thing." I ask
She smiles and laughs "yes. Very good thing"
I smile widely "Would you like to go on a date some time?"
"Didn't we already go on one?"
Shawn shakes his head no "that was me making up for being an asshole to you. I wanna take you on a real date."
I smile shyly and tuck a stray stand of hair behind my ear
"Okay. I'll go on a date with you. I'll call you"
Shane smiles extremely wide "okay great I'll wait by the phone."
I walk into my apartment lobby getting into the elevator. I lean on the wall and let out a sigh
"Holy shit" I mumble
--hope you liked it!!!!  Feedback is greatly appreciated

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