Thirty one

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Enjoy ❤️❤️ Hopefully this makes up for my long hiatus.....

We walk hand in hand walking the streets in town looking at the small little stores being packed with teens mingling, adults annoyed hearing the obnoxious teens squealing over something on their.
That used to be me.
With my friends hovered over our then tiny phones looking at if our crush texted us back. I was there. I was there probably in the same store squealing at some boy finally texting me back.
I smile back at the girls seeing them look so happy. "Remind you of someone?" Shawn says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Hm? Yeah, I guess." I say shrugging looking back at the small store. "I remember this store." I say pointing at the store sign.
He tightens his grip around my hand making me look up at him and smile. I look back ready to continue to walk seeing more of the town I grew up in, and see a middle aged woman's eyes go extremely wide and quickly running to the door, all happening within seconds.
"Meghan Kroh? It's me, Miss Jane." She says making my eyes go wide and immediately form a smile.
Not only did I know the store, and shop here; I also worked here.
My eyes go wide realizing who the woman is and immediately smile. "Miss Jane, oh my goodness how are you?" I ask remembering she was late 20's when I started working there at 15.
"I'm good sweets, can't believe it was actually you. Don't tell me, your father made you come back?" She says remembering what I told her when I was almost graduated from high school.

When I told my parents I wanted to leave and study elsewhere for University, my father was definitely not happy. My mother wasn't happy either but she didn't mind, as she knew I would 'leave her nest' one day. So my father made a deal with me, that I could go to University, but if I don't get a job in Toronto or get a job for the degree I have; then I have to work for the family business and move back here.
Reason number 1, why I worked my ass off studying and making sure to get the best internship my school had to offer.
"No, just visiting, family reunion." I say with a warm smile feelings Shawn's hand squeeze mine knowing I feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Miss Jane, this is my boyfriend Shawn." I said looking up at Shawn, only to meet his eyes.
"Ah yes, your mother stopped by and said a very, very handsome man was staying at her house. I'm guessing that's you." She said I'm more of a statement than a question. I weakly smile feeling slight bit embarrassed knowing that if my mother tells someone that I have a special someone then the whole town will know.
Another reason why I couldn't wait to leave this town.

We say our goodbyes to Miss Jane continuing to walk the small town looking around seeing the water up ahead.
"You really don't like it here, do you?" Shawn asks as we go up to the famous ice cream shop that everyone knew about when they were kids.
I open the door for Shawn letting him chuckle and kissing the tip of my nose.
"MEGHAN MOTHER FUCKING KROH!" I hear my name making me snap from of Shawn's look and see who called my name.
Brad Kingsley.
Used to know him. Was friends with Zac. Actually scratch that, they were best friends. They did everything together.
I weakly smile feeling my grip on Shawn's grip become loose. "Um, can I have a small vanilla with-"
"With gummy bears. Meghan I know." He says with a smile making me smile with a tight lip. Shawn shakes my hand with our hands still interlocked and gives me a worried look. I shake it off seeing my ice cream is sitting in front of me making me take it immediately.
"What can I get for you my man?" Brad says making me look around the ice cream shop I used to come into every Friday after a big football game. I look around seeing all the pictures from old to new, forming a smile on my face.

I must have been looking at the pictures for quite some time, when I feel Shawn's hand around my waist and giving me a still worried look.
"Come on. I wanna show you my favorite spot." I say with a mouthful of ice cream and grab his hand.
We walk the end of the street and are right by the water. Shawn stops in his tracks looking at it with beauty in his eyes.
"Meg it's beautiful." He says following me to a concrete ledge that I always used to sit on after I got my ice cream.
I place my ice cream down on the concrete, ready to jump up when I feel a familiar pair of arms around my waist lifting me up safely next to my cup of ice cream.
"Thank you." I say grabbing my ice cream and see Shawn sliding up with ease making me feel jealous.
"So this is your spot huh?" He says looking at me and then at the beach. I nod quickly grabbing another spoonful of ice cream with a gummy bear in it.
"I love you, you know that." Shawn says making me look at him with squinted eyes. I place my ice cream down on the left on me as Shawn is on the right and scoot next to him.
"I know. And I love you." I say kissing his lips not feeling him kiss me back making me look confused. "What?" I ask moving back to my position.
"Nothing, it's stupid." He says shaking his head looking at the ocean.
"Shawn, if it bothers you then tell me. I know if I was feeling some kind of way, you would want me to tell you. So tell me." I say grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
"Nothing it's just, these people know you more than I do, Miss Jane knows about something about moving back here, that ice cream dude knows your favorite candy, and ice cream flavor. Mr. Smith knows your shoe size. Meghan these people know you more than I do." He says shaking his head, making my mood completely plummet. He thinks he doesn't know me.
"What's my favorite color? Hm? What's my favorite song? Or favorite food? Favorite person to be with? Shawn those people know the old me. They don't know the present me. Yeah sure, my favorite ice cream flavor and candy haven't changed, and neither has my shoe size, but that means nothing. You know me. You know me more than I do. But hey, if you wanna mope and complain about not knowing me then you sit here, enjoy the beach and I'm gonna go back to the ice cream place." I say hopping off the concrete ledge feeling my thighs scrape the concrete.
"Purple, River by Eminem, pasta; ravioli to be exact. And I'm hoping your favorite person is me." I hear him say making me smile so wide, I turn on my heels to see him still sitting on the ledge looking at me with sad eyes.
"See, you know me. Now can my favorite person come back? I don't like when he beats himself up for no reason."  I say biting my bottom lip and he shakes his head and nods, leaping off the concrete ledge and wrapping his arm around my middle.
"Don't ever, ever say these people know me. Because they don't." I say looking up at him and see him nod his head and leans down kissing my lips.
"I love you." He says kissing my lips again and again making me chuckle.
"I love you." I say walking down the other side of the road, seeing the other stores.
Walking through my home I hear the music I grew up with. It makes me smile just hearing the music flood my ears.
"Dude, dad is mad." My brother says coming over eating an apple.
"What now?" I ask throwing my shoes on the mat and Shawn following my actions.
"All I know is he was fucking mad when you left and made a call, and I look out and see a car and, just seems like he's got something up his sleeve." He says sitting on the couch making me sit next to him and let out an aggravated groan.
"Hey dude? Get out while you can, his side is just as worse." Christian says to Shawn making me hit his arm.
"They are not! Aunt Carole is fucking amazing. And Aunt Roxanne? Please you just don't like them because you think they are boring." I say shaking my head.
Christian leans over looking at Shawn with wide eyes. "Dude, they suck. All the good relatives are on our mom's side." He says nodding.
"Yeah, but none of them have a fucking filter." I say looking at Christian than Shawn.
"Oh shit yeah. And they talk in Spanish." Christian says realizing making me cross my arms and huff.
"So? Who do I have to avoid?" Shawn asks sitting forward with his hands together making me look at my brother then at Shawn, then back to my brother and nod knowing both of us are thinking the same thing.
"Aunt Alessia." Both Christian and I say looking Shawn Shawn as he raises his eyes. "She just uh? Knows what you're thinking even if you don't say it. Which can be so bad. Seriously one year Christian had a boner from his girlfriend and Aunt Alessia straight up said 'go fix your boner in the bathroom." I say holding back a chuckle seeing Christian look completely pissed, and Shawn's eyes go extremely wide.
"Fuckin embarrassing. Everyone looked at me, and when Aunt Alessia says something you know that shit is true." He says shaking his head and immediately perks up. 'Oh and Aunt Maria? Yeah watch out for her too, she's literally a sex addict." Christian says looking at me and I look at Shawn and slowly nodding.
"What does that have to do with me?" Shawn asks with a chuckle making me laugh at bit.
"Shawn? Honey, you're hot. That's all matters to her." I say looking at him and he blushes hearing that I called him hot. "Oh! And she knows if you had sex. She will pin point last time you had sex." I say looking at Peter then at Shawn again.
Shawn nods his head "okay so Aunt Alessia, and Aunt Maria? Anyone else?" Shawn asks looking at both of us.
"If I'm going to help you, I need vodka." Christian says throwing his hands up heading to the kitchen.

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