Battle on the bridge

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I wake feeling drowsy.

I'm hungry. I sit up, only to fall back again from the pain in my stomach.

"Ah please be careful, your injury is bad." Say a woman.

"Who are you?" I ask as politely as possible.

I swear it's like impossible to ask that and 'I wasn't talking to you'  politely. 0.o

"I'm Tsunami, daughter of Tazuna. You were very badly injured, I'm surprised your awake." She says.

"How long was I unconcious?" I ask.

"Only a day." 

"Really?" That's awesome, so now I have an unknown power and I heal quickly.

"Yes, now I'm guessing youa re hungry? I'll get you some rice and water." She leaves the room quietly.

"MEI-CHAN" Naruto yells, he lands on top of me, making me yelp in pain.

"Ow Naruto, I'm still injured!" I complain.

"Ah sorry Mei-chan!" He gets off and stands up.

"Mei, I'm glad to see your better." Kakashi says from the door.

"Kakashi sensei? Why did you collapse?" I ask making Naruto chuckle.

"Ah I overworked the Sharingan." He says forcing laughter into his voice.


"Well if your feeling up to it, we're going to train later." Sakura interupts.

I nod then lie back.

Tsunami comes back and shows the others away, she gives me a bowl and leaves quietly.

I eat the rice slowly, thinking about the weird men in the forest. Why did they want me to join their organization? Could it be to do with my unknown power?

I put the empty bowl on the floor and leave the room. I walk through the house and outside. 

Kakashi sensei, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke have disappeared, did they forget me? :(

I walk towards a forest, it's a light warm day.

"This is easy!" I hear Sakura shout.

I follow the sound of her voice as she boasts about something.

I get to a clearing and see Kakakshi sensei leaning against a tree watching Sasuke and Naruto running at the trees.

Sakura is sitting up high, talking about how easy it is to climb trees.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Ah hi, I'm teaching them Chakra controll. You better join in. You need to climb a tree, without using your hands. Focus the chakra to your feet and keep it balanced as you walk." Kakashi says.

"Wha?" I frown.

"Have a go." He replies.

"Uh..." I walk over to a tree and look up it. Branches and leaves.

Focus Chakra? How am I meant to do that? I barely know what Chakra is! I don't even know any Jutsu! 

I sigh loudly to annoy Kakashi, he just ignores me.

I look up again and chose a branch as my aim. I imagine Chakra in my feet, making my body defy gravity, and take a step up the tree.

My back is now sore. I push myself up from the ground and imagine the Chakra again. This time though, it works. I don't try to run up liek Naruto and Sasuke are doing, I walk.

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