Dosu Vs Mei

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Sorry If my writing has changed a bit, I was watching Luanlegacy. He changes  you... the video is something by him that is slightly different, but It's awesome :) Dedication to LED5545 for being the closet at guessing how the Shiryoku ninja are related to Mei :)


Mei's POV 

Nami really made me laugh when she was winding up Kankuro.

Although he ruined it by ignoring her strange approach.

She now stands opposite him, her whole demeanor changed.

She seems darker like she's more prepared to fight.

"Let's get this over with." She says darkly.

"Well, If I knock you out or kill you I'm not exactly sorry." Kankuro replies.


I follow their fight by sesing their Chakra.

Kankuro using strings of Chakra, controlls a wooden puppet, protecting himself and fighting at the same time without actually moving.

Nami holds her own too, she uses her strange Kekkei Genkei to stop weapons and other things thrown at her and sends them back a long with some of her Kunai.


I turn, "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you?" 

I nod and follow Sakura out of the hall.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Well, you know those Shiryoku ninja?" she asks leaning against a wall.

"Yep, Nami, Aimi and Taiki."

"Don't they seam a bit weird to you?" 

"How do you mean?"

"Well their Kekkei Genkei. It really reminds me of when you froze those two ninja on our first mission with Tazuna..."

I think about it, "But that wasn't me... was it?"

"Well it wasn't any of us, and there was nobody else around."

"I didn't even do it on purpose though." I say.

"Do you remember having any family?" She asks.

"Are you suggesting that I'm related to them?"

"I don't know. It's just the Kekkei Genkei and your hair..." 

My hair? "What about my hair?"

"You all have redish coloured hair."

Really? My hair is red? AWESOME!

She must have noticed my surprise, "Why are you- Oh! Have you never every realized what colour your hair is?" She soudns surprised.

I cross my arms, "No."

"Wow, anyway, those ninja. Maybe I'm completely off track, but it might be worthwhile asking them... they seemed to be hiding something when we met them last." 

"I guess I could ask them..." I reply thoughtfully.

She walks with me back into the hall, but I go to the opposite side.

I walk up to where Aimi and Taiki's Chakra's are.




"Yeah, hi. I need to talk to you two." I say.

As I walk back out I watch Kabkuro and Nami.

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