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Money bags

Raylen had quickly hustled $10k from Lason , and the other girls was money hungry as well so they threw theirselves at any nigga who was balling . Winter counted out 6 thousand dollars , as she danced around throwing money everywhere .

They gave each other high fives and looked at all the money that was laid out on the floor , between all of them they had $28,000 . They had all the niggas they fucked with head gone .

Three months had passed , the money kept pouring in , Winter pulled out the bottle of henny " girl we about to sip on you ", everybody said as they looked at Hennessy and started laughing . " Fuck us pay us " , they all screamed . They were basically having sex for money .

Even tho Erica did whatever they wanted her , she was always in control . Men always think your ideas are their ideas , that was something she always told Raylen whenever they talked about the game . But Raylen had her own way of getting money and it was using sex to her advantage . She didn't care what she had to do , long as it got her paid well .

The girls knew sooner or later the money would stop coming , so they all opened up a bank account .

Hennessy walked in the bathroom and saw Raylen standing in the mirror . " what's wrong baby ", she said . She looked and noticed that ray wasn't looking too good . " I'm just sick that's all ", Raylen said back . " My throat just hurt like hell ", she added .

"Hennessy ,somebody want you on the phone !", Erica screamed . She frowned , because she didn't give anyone Cardi's number "who is it ?" She asked . Erica shrugged her shoulder and threw the phone to her .

"Hello" she said wondering who it was and what they wanted with her . The person on the other end said something and Hennessy threw the phone to the wall while breaking it . Cardi came out of the kitchen screaming " what the fuck is going on ", she said while looking at her sister who was crying .

"Momma got ca-cancer , she's at the hospital in New York ", Hennessy said while pulling her hair . The girls looked at henny not wanting to believe it was true , but her nor Cardi had spoken to their mom since they could remember .

The girls hugged Cardi and Hennessy while telling them it was gone be okay , but they knew it wasn't because the shit was deadly , but they all prayed that she'd be okay . Everybody was going crazy because they couldn't imagine how it felt .

2 days later all the girls were on a flight to New York .

They ran through the hallways of the hospital , rushing to get to see their mom . They reached the nurses station , " Can you tell us what room Renee cooper is in ", Cardi asked .

The nurse typed in some information on her computer and said " Room 212". They rushed to get to her room , but when they got there they regret coming , they didn't wanna see their mom the way she was .

"I'm sorry momma , I didn't know you was sick ", Hennessy said while tears slipped her eyes . Ms. Renee eyes slowly opened , she smiled at the sight of all of her girls . All 5 of her girls , they didn't know they were sisters but they sure was about to find out .

"It's okay baby , I'm feeling a little better now , all of my girls are standing in front of me ", she said . Winter , Erica , and Raylen looked crazy , " I've been wanting to tell you girls this a while back but after the accident , I just couldn't tell you . " all 5 of you are sisters , y'all were seperated , I couldn't care for all of you , but I am sorry ", Renee said letting tears fall .

All the girls looked at each other smiling and sharing tears , they all hugged each other tightly . Renee was surprised , she thought her girls would leave her side .

After all these years , they knew something was up . All of them favored in some kind of way , Renee sent men to get all of them together and put them in a house . She didn't want them doing what she did , but they had already picked up that habit . Having sex with men to get their money .

A white male nurse walked in the room with a clipboard " Hey ladies , I'm here with the results " , he said while smiling . " We were able to treat the cancer , and you can go home in a few days ", he said before walking out .

They looked at their mom and smiled , they were glad didn't have anything else to worry about . The pain was over and so was the stress.

After she was released from the hospital, an ambulance was waiting to take her home . We followed the ambulance to her house which was in New York .

"It feels good to be back home " , Renee said giving the girls a big smile . " I'm glad you girls was by my side I thought you all turned away from me ", she added .

"Momma it will never be like that , we all love you , despite of what happened ", Hennessy said while giving her a tight hug .

Erica help Ms. Renee get into her bed , she was happy the cancer situation was over with her mom was only 36 years old . " We love you momma ", they all said to her . They waved their mom goodbye and left out the room .
Heading back to the Airport

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