Don't Be Scared

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The roar of the tyres on tarmac rattled the very insides of Laurens skull. The rush of adrenaline was so exhilerating! Had she ever felt like this before? Not likely, would she ever again? Not likely.Being so close to him was like a drug, upping her heart rate, and sending her on the most amazing high! Her arms wrapped aound Alec's waist was an entirely new feeling for her. Sure enough she'd dated before, and she'd only ever had real chemistry once before. If what's previously experienced was chemistry, then she was feeling a whole array of rocket science and quantum physics! Her hads moved slyly but somehow sexily up onto Alec's chest, right where his heart was. she could feel it beating through his leather jacket, which incidentally was fitted to show off his broad shoulders and muscly arms. Feeling more than a little reckless, she took a deep breath, and laid her head on his shoulder, her head tilted towards his own. as much as he may have been trying to hide it, a slow smile spread across his face. Uh-oh. Dangerous smile. With a casual wink he revved the engine and sped off alog the country road. they had stayed away from interstates, and had instead taken heavily wooded areas. She let a small squeal escape her, and it only made Alec laugh. Even through their helmets, she grinned at the heavenly sound.

After a few hours of riding, they pulled into a road side cafe. Lauren picked a table right at the back of the cafe, in a small booth with a broken light above it. Not only was it more secluded, but it was right next to the fire exit, should they need to make a quick get away. Alec bought two coffees and brought them over. Sliding into the booth, Lauren noticed just how close he slid in next to her. Their knees were touching, and when he placed his hands on the table, they were noticably close to her own. He heaved a great sigh, and turned to look at her. She sensed that he wanted to be close to her, and she was more than ahppy to oblige.

All in that second she had never wanted anything so badly. The way he was looking at her was so intense, she was far from being embarassed. That look was personal. Just for her, and they both knew it. Gazing back at him through those misty eyes, Lauren knew that he felt the same. Although their relationship was young, they were like to pieces of a puzzle, finally being fitted together. She wanted to tell him everything! She had a passionate urge to open up to him and let him know... everything! No words had passed between them since they had sat down, but pure energy radiated around him, like an aura drawing her in, wanting to be near her. His breathing had quickened, and he started ever so slowly to lean into her. His hands slid slowly up her legs, and stopped midway up her thighs, her hands at this point were on the back of his head, and she ran her fingers through his hair one last time, and lightly pressed her lips to his. It was even better than she imagined (and she had done more than enough of that). His lips were soft, but tender and gently moved in sync with her own. As Juliet once said, to her Romeo, "you kiss by the book", and he really did. Then, upping the beat a little, he moved his hands on to her waist, sliding them up from her legs. she pulled his head closer, and he reacted by pulling her closer to him, his arms protectively wrapped around her. As much as she didn't want to, Lauren pulled back, and realized that she had just been makinng out with someone in a public place! Reckless? Understatement of the century.

"Something wrong?" he asked, a little out of, but in a smiley voice.

"No I'm fine, I mean.. really fine, but we're in a public place you know?"

"I'm sorry, I've had an urge to do that since I first saw you at the pool" he added with a grin.

Realsizing that the feeling was mutual, she smiled and gave him another quick kiss.

"Alec, I've been thinking. Where are you riding too? To be perfectly frank, I want to be with you, and if you're not going somewhere in particular, take me with you."

"I thought you'd never ask!"

Wait. Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Did she really just say that? I'd hate to present a cliche. All seems a little to fast for me. But then again, did Lauren want to say that? She felt as though the words had been forced out of her, but this could work to her advantage. Getting far away on the road to nowhere, and being all the nearer to Alec. Did she really have any other option? Now that hewas in her life, and part of her soul, could she physically be apart from him? Better not find out. Finishing up the coffee, and heading back to the motorbike, a newfound spring in their steps, they were met by nothing short of a suprise. Standing around the bike were a group of rather muscular looking men. About 7 men stood in a curve around the bike, all men had the exact sam look of a disciplined, military man. All stood in exactly the same way, enormous feet a shoulders width apart, and arms folded across their broad chests. Yes, Alec was muscular, but he was lean whereas these men were total tanks. they stopped about ten feet short of the bike. Lauren's mouth was hanging open, and Alec's face was a stone witha face etched into it. The man in the middle, by far the brawniest gave a small nod at Alec, the kind a person gives to a once great friend, but now a mere formality. Glancing up at Alec, she saw a trace a recognition, but as evanescently as it had come, it vanished.

"Alec. You need to come with us. The girl as well. We were hoping you'd bring her to us" came a voice from nowhere. None of the men had spoken, but the muscular man in the middle stepped aside to reveal possibly the most beautiful woman Lauren had ever seen. Her beauty was not in her youth, but the grace, composure and wisdom emitting from her made Lauren forget to breathe. She looked about 50, but she was probably much older than that. Jane Fonda look alike? Not quite, her hair was a silvery grey, but in places it was the lightest blonde imagineable, hence gving a gold effect, like a halo. Her dress sense was very chic, elegant and respectful. An expensive looking suit, a very pale shade of green, with a neck scarf tied loosely with a knot just below her collar bone. And her voice! A captivating and silky tone. It had an airy quality to it, but for some reason, LAuren wanted to listen to it more and more.

"Don't be scared child. We've been watching you. We've been looking after you, making the best choices for you. We care about you" she said with an ancient smile.

"Don't listen Lauren." Alec growled. His stare was trainedon the mysterious woman, a loathing in his eyes that Lauren had never seen.

"Lauren, please listen. We know what's best for you. Come here please" the woman retorted lightly.

Lauren was rooted to the spot. She was so confused. What should she do? Going with this woman was out of the question. Her choices were either pelting to the left or the right. If only Alec could tell her! She looked at his for help, only to find him staring at her, his brow furrowed. She glanced back at the woman, who was wearing an identical expression. Confused, but at what? Sh would soon find out.

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