The Death Trap

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A trace of her expression still lingered on her face still, but the woman had masked it back to its original composed self. With a small smile, she took a tentative step towards Lauren: not a good idea. As the men followed up behind her, Alec saw his chance. Shoving Lauren aside, he took a flying leap into the air, almost straight over the top of the men, but easily over the woman. With a grunt of rage he hurtled head first into the brawniest male, and sent him careering backward, just missing the bike as he hit the tarmac. The other bodyguards, disciplined as they looked, did not react quick enough. Lauren was already on her feet, and as a muscular young man tried to grab her, she brought a fist to his face, temporarily stunning him, taking the oppurtune moment to scramble around the side of him, and leap frog onto the back of Alec's bike, which he already sat astride. Gunning the engine, Alec pulled a half dohnut and sped off across the grass, and back onto the road. No time for helmets this time. Lauren could hear the angered commands of the woman and muscular man. The once airy and serene voice had turned into a shriek of pure venom, ordering them after Alec and Lauren. Looking back, she now saw two armoured trucks pull out from the back of the diner, the doors already swinging open, and barely stopping as three men piled into each one. The biggest man however, the one whom Alec seemed to recognise, got into a stunning, black Ford Mustang. And no, not the ones you see in the movies. Even better than that, a newer one, probably the 2010 version. Did every new person she met have an explicable taste in automibiles? It didn't really matter, they had already lost them. Turning off down a dusty, wooded path, the chase was over as quickly as it had started. Or so they thought.

Sitting atop a platform, fifty feet in the air, perfectly masked by the surrounding woodland, sat a sniper. Cleverly anticipating Alec's reaction, the woman had set up an entire perimeter, spanning approximately five square kilometers. This particular marksman, Darren, was an ex-assassin. He had a highly decorated career in the military, starting from when he was very young. Darren was never one to question the powers that be, about a mission, an objective or anything of that nature. It simply wasn't his place to. But one thing that unnerved him was the blatant lack of trust from his superiors on this mission. All the marksmen in the area had been given weapons, with the rounds already loaded. Surel there was a reason, but he knew he wouldn't bother asking. A boy pulled up on a bike. Darren was instantly alert. The boy was handsome, with clean cut features, and amazing muscle tone. On the back of the bike, sat a girl. Clearly a little windswept, but alive, she started talking to him. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he really didn't need to. All that mattered was that she was in his sights. The order was to take out the girl, and leave the boy as he was sure to follow suit with her out of the picture. The bike sat against a nearby tree, and the two youths stodd about five feet away from eachother, the girl seemed on the brink of a panic attack, while, remaining calm, the boy tried to calm her down. It seemed to work, she rubbed her temples, then almost fell into his safe embrace. A perfect oppurtunity. She was still when in his arms. Taking aim, he pinpointed her spine, directly between her shoulder blades... Then she moved. Damn! So close! But his freeting was short lived. Darren had learned not to dwell on missed oppurtunities, as there was always another round the corner. She moved away from him, and started pacing. Then she stopped, and turned her back to Darren. See, another oppurtunity. She had the stance of a person who was thinking through what to do, and since the answer never came straight away, he took aim. Resuming his spot, the cross hairs hovering over her upper spine, he took aim, and squeezed the trigger. A perfect hit. She dropped like a stone! The boy was at her side barely as she hit the floor. He turned her over and plucked the round from her back. A quil? Not a live round? What where they playing at! They had put together a team of the most skilled assassins on the western sea board to sedate a civilian? Somethign definately wasn't right. However, he watched the boy through the scope. His expression changed from anguish to curiosity, but understanding. Happiness, but then guilt. And then, a look of purpose beheld his face. Darren then punched a code into a peculiar looking device. It let his employers know that the hit had been in his sector. An almost inaudible beep met his ears, this let him know that the intel had been received. Now, all he could do was wait.

Alec didn't have much time to act. The round had met Lauren at an optimal point, the fluid had run directly into her blood stream. He didn't have long before her heart stopped beating, something which he would in turn have to restart. Hoisting her onto his hip like an abnormally large toddler, Alec ran to the bike, and sat with Lauren facing him. Dangerous as this was, Alec realised this was totally the wrong time to think about such things. He thought Lauren attractive, but hadn't quite gotten the chance to tell her how he felt. For the severalth time that weekend, he gunned the engine, and rode deep into the woodland.

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