Hey cuties. So the nightmare that I was experiencing last chapter is... over. Not really. I'm just home now and slowly learning to cope. I'm back in swing anyway, thanks to my best friends Ashe and Ee. I swear they make everything better. (And Berry too bc he was also helpful and sweet ♡) I'm trying to lead a healthier life now as part of a coping mechanism. Eating better, participating in my hobbies more frequently, pushing myself to do fun things, taking better care of myself, and cutting out toxic people. I'm also writing another novel. ^^; I just get ideas and then get bored after a couple of chapters. But hey, one of these novels are bound to get finished at some point, right? Haha. So yeah, that's happening. Ah I was going to do nanowrimo this year but considering everything thats happened, I just can't. Ashe is though! So run over to her profile and support the frickin dweeb lmao AsheCorinthos. Hm well. I think that's about it. Expect updates on the one book I have published on here. I wanna start updating that more frequently.
Anyway, thanks for reading ☆
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