5: Feelings

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A/n there is a lot going on in this chapter so get ready, I mean it

Dan's POV
I had to face it. I had developed feelings for Phil. I looked back to see a confused expression on his face. I was confused to, but in a completely different way.

"Its snowing..?" he trailed off "But it was just- how?"

Should I tell him? What if he won't believe me? What if he won't accept me? What if he'll think I'm gay? What if I am gay? Or just experimenting? No, I definately felt something. Maybe I'm bi? Not that I had a problem with being gay, although he might. It was just completely new information to me. My thoughts flooded my mind as I tried to speak.

"Dan?!" Phil snaps. "What is happening? Are you okay?" So many questions.

I had now realized that I had been completely ignoring Phil.

I looked up at him. I had some explaining to do.


Phil's POV
"So what does the snow mean?" I ask completely confused by the situation.

He looked as if the question had bothered him.

"... love" he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck "I think..."

Ohhh. So he had been catching feelings for me? This gave me a whole new veiw of what was happening. But there was no need for him to feel scared or ashamed. Unless, of course, I was his first boy crush.

That realization hit me like a stone hurled towards my face. I watched as his expressions seemed to mimic mine. I glanced out the window. It was cool to see a physical representation of his mood. I looked him straight in the face.

"This is a serious question" I start, feeling sorry to be the one asking him this. "Are you... are you gay?"

"I don't know. I've never really been a people person." I chuckle at that part, being able to relate myself.

But that just seems to make it all worse. He collapses and breaks into a waterfall of tears. It was my fault. "I'm sorry Phil"

"There's no need to feel sorry. You have feelings. You are a human, just like me. It's like.." I trail off, trying to think of an example, realising it wasn't the time.

He looks up at me, slightly smiling through tears. I need to soothe him because the worse he feels, the worse the storm gets.

I pull him into a hug and let him weep into my shoulder for a bit. Then he grabs my shoulders and clears his throat.

"I love you, Phil."

"I know."

He breaks down and whimpers

I messed up.

Dan's POV
There are so many feelings rushing vividly through me at the moment. Sad, confused, tired, sad, scared stressed... only to name a few. The longer the storm lasts, the longer Phil will have to stay. And the longer Phil will have to stay, the longer the storm will last. It's an endless cycle.

"You can leave if you want" I say. But it's not like he really had a choice anyway.

"I want to stay" his mellow voice comforts me, yet I still cry. He hands me the box of tissues that was sitting on the shelf behind me. "Thanks" I manage to sniffle.

My hair stuck to my face as I took deep, calming breaths. Good thing the coffee I had earlier was decaf. As soon as I was calm enough and settled down, Phil lays me down in the bed, tucking me into the bed. He was so nice and understanding. Even if he didn't understand at all. I turned and cuddled up next to him as I fell asleep. He hesitated, but cuddled back, rubbing his hand up and down my spine. It was really soothing. I fall asleep, latched onto him. I felt loved.

A/n I hope that you liked that because I wrote this section at midnight and you probably constantly asked yourself "What the hell?" And also my 666th word was hell so yay.

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