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MC stares at the ocean view in front of her...
"Hey, do you have a pen?"
She thought for awhile.
"I think so...Hold on." She reaches out for the pen in her pocket and passed it to the woman in front making eye contact. A short haired brunette with black rim glasses wearing a scarf around her neck took the pen with a smile. She was familiar and MC knew she was exactly the person she was looking for.

"Jaehee..?" She asked and the brunette looks up, "How did you know my name?". MC eyes glistened and reached her hand out with a smile. "Lucky guess, I'm MC. Nice to meet you." Jaehee followed and smiled. "Jaehee Kang, nice to meet you too."

Timeline when they were together in the RFA...
MC opened the door and ran in. "Jaehee!" She said as she saw Jaehee on the ground covered in blood. Saeran wore a smug look on his face as MC approaches the limp and cold body. "MC..." She muttered and MC felt tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, if I made it here faster then.." "It's ok, MC, if we ever meet again...Reach out to me."
Jaehee said placing a hand on MC's cheek. MC nods and Jaehee let out her last breath.

At Jaehee's funeral, MC was staring at one corner completely zoned out. She looked at the belongings in the box. Jaehee's glasses...Her photos...Her namecard...Her café key and her bloody razor.

Saeran didn't dare to look at MC in the eye, MC forgave him but clearly she looked way out of normal. "Here, you should drink some water." Zen said offering a glass of water to MC. Jumin was there also trying to help MC, MC shook her head when she was offered the water. She didn't think of anything else other than making sure to make a mental note to find Jaehee somewhere again.
There Jaehee stood, right in front of her.

Nice To Meet You Again (Jaehee X MC)Where stories live. Discover now