Will you be my partner?

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Jaehee then started to approach MC at their school alot since she has no friends.(probably college) MC didn't really mind as it's also a way to make sure Jaehee's safe. MC had questioned Jaehee about whether she had a strange occurring dream. Jaehee nodded simply but only mentioned her memory of being an assistant not anything about the café or MC herself. "Do you think I'm annoying?" Jaehee asks and MC looks up from her work for a second. "No...Why do you ask?" Jaehee eyes darted to one side and looked at the park. "... Nothing. I just kept sticking towards you and I thought you might think I'm annoying." MC stopped writing and place her pen down. "I don't mind besides I'm afraid of losing you again." Jaehee looked at MC, "Again? We only met a few days ago..." MC muttered under her breath.

Another flashback occurred...

"Jaehee! Jaehee, stop playing games and come out!" MC shouted while looking for her. "Its not funny anymore! Come on Jaehee, come out!" A loud crash was heard from the bathroom. MC ran in to see Jaehee collapsed on the ground, the sink covered with blood and Jaehee's long hair poured over the ground. MC called the ambulance and she looked at the bloody razor, her eyes moved towards Jaehee's arm that showed the deep cuts that Jaehee did. "She tried compressing Jaehee's wrist to stop the bleeding, "Please...Don't leave me...Don't do this..." The ambulance finally arrived and MC stayed quiet when questioned about why would Jaehee cut. She thought to herself about how she would answer if she doesn't know the answer herself.

Two weeks passed, MC walked back and forth near Jaehee's bed. "Jaehee...When are you going to wake up... The café is going to close down if you don't wake up...The workload without you is unbearable. Okay...The café is going to close down haha." "The café is going to what?!" MC turned to the boat to see Jaehee's shocked face. She ran towards Jaehee and hugged her."What the hell were you thinking about?!" MC asked and Jaehee started to tear up. "I just couldn't think straight, ok!" MC bit her lip before wrapping herself onto Jaehee's body. "Idiot, next time talk to me. Its better then keeping stuff to yourself." Jaehee looked at MC. "Now back to the café...What did you do." "I... uh..." MC knew she was so screwed

MC didn't know that Jaehee was looking at MC in concern. "Are you ok?" MC nodded her head slowly, "I'm fine, just thought of something that's all." Jaehee nods. "Oh, that reminds me... Since we're in the same class for biology how about we team up for the next project, will you be my partner?" MC asked. Jaehee was about to reply when...

    Jaehee had a flashback...

'calm down...You're just asking her to open a café together.' she thought to herself. Jaehee stared at the girl in front of her awestruck. "MC, there you are." Jaehee says making her way to MC. "Will you be my partner?"
"Jaehee?" Jaehee looked up at MC and was unable to say anything. The girl in her flashback was definitely MC but why was she there and why were they in some sort of party? MC could identify the face immediately. It was the what did I just remember face. "MC..? Did we ever go to a party together?" MC could swear she almost screamed in joy. "Jaehee, is it about" Ring! The class bell rang and MC couldn't ask Jaehee because Jaehee was already running to her next class. 'shit. Should've asked for her phone number.'

Nice To Meet You Again (Jaehee X MC)Where stories live. Discover now