1 | first day of school

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'Don't worry Sicheng, you'll be fine!' Sicheng's mother kindly smiled towards her son. They have only been in South Korea for about a week, after Sicheng's dad left his mom for another woman. They came to Korea to completely start over, and hopefully fulfill Sicheng's dream of becoming a k-pop idol. Him and his mother have been studying Korean for a few months now in preparation for their new lives.

'Thanks, mom.' He took one last bite of his cornflakes before leaving for school. He has practiced the route to school a few times now, just to make sure he wouldn't get lost and be late for his first day at school. Luckily, it was a fairly simple and short route.

After waving goodbye to his mom, he nervously
followed the familiar route towards school. The school his mom signed him up for was called 'Seoul high school of performing arts', which apparently a lot of idols had attended.

He was a tad bit to early, but he'd rather be too early than too late. On his way to school, he noticed some other students who were wearing the same uniform as him. All of them were in groups, busy talking and laughing with each other. On the other hand, Sicheng was all alone, staring at the other people.

He wished he had friends to walk to school with, but he knew no one here.
It's just the first day.. I only have to endure this today. By tomorrow I'll probably have friends to walk with. He thought to himself as he clenched his fists.

He continued walking, till someone bumped into him, making him fall.
'Oh my god! I'm so sorry!' A handsome guy was bend over him, making Sicheng blush like mad. The guy clearly wasn't korean, as he had a cute accent.

'My name is Chittaphon, I'm a Thai transfer student.' He cutely smiled towards him and stood up. 'I'm sorry we had to meet this way.'
Chittaphon helped him stand up again, and together they walked towards school.

'My name is Sicheng, I'm from China.' He hoped his chinese accent wouldn't bother him too much.
'China? Wow, that's so cool!' Chittaphon was so nice, all the awkward tensions were gone because of how friendly he was.
'Why'd you decide to move here?' Sicheng tried to keep their conversation relevant.
'I'm hoping to debut in a k-pop group, but I really miss Thailand a lot already.' The thought of Thailand clearly made him a bit upset.

'I'm trying to debut too, perhaps we could debut together!' Sicheng smiled towards him, making Chittaphon's frown dissapear.
'Yeah, that would be so cool!'

Since the walk to school was short, they had already arrived. The school was massive, leaving both of them in awe.
'I was told to go to class C-51..'
'Yeah, me too. How are we ever going to find that?' Chittaphon looked around in confusion.

'We could just ask around, I suppose.'
'There's no way I could just ask other people, I'm way too awkward.' Sicheng shuddered at the thought of asking unknown people.
'Fine, I'll just do it then.' Chittaphon, who clearly is good at talking to people, left Sicheng alone. He walked over to a boy who was reading a book.

Sicheng just looked at how they were distinctly talking.
He anxiously waited for Chittaphon to come back, but got surprised when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned around, where he saw a tall but friendly-looking boy.
'My guess is you're new here?' He smiled towards him, making Sicheng shyly laugh.

'My name is Sicheng, I'm a chinese transfer student.'
'Oh, so you're one of the new students! Nice to meet you, my name is Johnny.'
'Johnny! Who are you talking to?' A group of guys stared at them, making Sicheng feel embarrassed.
'Oh, just one of the new students.' Johnny gestured something to them, making them stop staring at them.
'Don't be too nervous, I was also a transfer student here a few years ago. If you need any help, you can come to me.' Johnny turned around and walked back to his group of friends.

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