3 | 'japanese cartoons'

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Sicheng quickly followed Taeyong and Yuta when he noticed them walking in front of him. They didn't seem to notice him though, because they were busy talking.

'What's up..?' Sicheng tried to interrupt them.
'We were talking about the new episode of this anime.' Yuta finally responded.
'Oh.' Sicheng smiled. He wasn't sure what that meant, but it might be weird to them if he didn't understand.

'-But for real! His strength is way too overpowered.. It's just not fair anymore.' Taeyong continued their conversation.
'He isn't overpowered, the battle was just too easy for him.' Yuta grinned. 'You just have to admit he's a lot better.'
'Ugh.' Taeyong rolled his eyes.

Sicheng just stared in front of him. He had absolutely no clue what they were arguing about.
He noticed Chittaphon and Johnny walking in the distance, seems like they are best buddies all of the sudden.

After saying goodbye to Taeyong, they walked to the arts classroom. Yuta loved drawing and painting, but Sicheng never really was that type of person. He would much rather be playing videogames than 'expressing his feelings through art' as his dad would say. His dad absolutely loved painting, his paintings were basically everywhere in their old house. Their new house is so empty and bare in comparison with their old house.

The female teacher smiled warmly towards Yuta when she saw him approach the classroom.
'Goodmorning Yuta.' The teacher greeted him, but ignored Sicheng and any other student.
'Morning.' Yuta blatantly responded.

'Wow, she must really like you.' Sicheng grinned as he watched the teacher write something on the chalkboard.
'It's pissing me off.' Yuta slammed his pencil case on his table, making some people stare at them.
'Why's that?'
'Because.. She literally hates every student except for me!'
'But that's good.. Right?' Sicheng looked at him confusedly.
'It isn't! It makes me look like some annoying brat, which I'm not. I'm the loud, obnoxious student who keeps making snarky comments.'

'..Sicheng, would you care to answer the question?'
The teacher tilted her head towards him.
'Uh- What was it again?' Sicheng nervously laughed.
'Which artist is credited with developing linear perspective?'
'How am I supposed to know?' Sicheng scoffed, making the class chuckle at his response.

'It's written in your textbook! Just because you don't come from here doesn't mean you have an excuse not to read it.' The teacher raised her voice, silencing the class again.
'That's just unfair, no one has read it.' Chittaphon defended him.
'.. It's Brunelleschi.' Yuta quietly tried to tell Sicheng, but he wasn't quiet enough.
'See! At least someone knows.' The teacher again smiled at Yuta, but the others rolled their eyes.

'Surprise, nerd Yuta saves the day.' Some guy loudly exclaimed.
'Shut the fuck up before I beat your sorry ass.' Yuta stood up, but Sicheng quickly pulled him down again.
'Don't pay attention to them.' Sicheng tried to calm him down, but some other girl thought it would be funny to add fuel to the fire.
'Yeah, pay attention to your little boyfriend.'

'Hey, don't make such comments!' The teacher quickly came in between them, making everyone quiet again.
'Great, this is exactly what I meant.' Yuta sighed.

Once it was finally lunch break, Yuta and Sicheng went to the school rooftop, as usual. This time they were all alone, since Yuta basically threatened the group of girls.

'Here's your lunch.' Yuta handed Sicheng his cutely packed bento box.
'Thanks a lot.' Sicheng gratefully smiled.
'By the way Yuta, can you come over to my house after school..? My mom really wants to meet you.'

Yuta just stared at his lunch and didn't say anything.
'Oh.. It must be weird that my mom wants to meet you. I swear I only told her you're my new friend-'
'No! It's not that.. It's just that I'm not sure if my parents would be okay with that.'
'Why not?'
'I came out to them a few months ago, and they were absolutely disgusted.. They will never let me go to some guy's house.' Yuta fidgeted with his fingers.
'But.. You don't have to tell them I'm a boy.'
Yuta smiled. 'Guess you're right.'

After school was finished, Yuta called his mom to inform them he'll be going to a friend's house. His mom luckily didn't even ask him who it was, so he didn't actually have to lie.
Taeyong walked with them for a little bit, till he had to turn the corner to his own house.
'Have fun you guys! But not too much fun..' Taeyong childishly laughed, but Yuta rolled his eyes.
'Taeyong I swear to god-' Yuta couldn't finish his sentence, since Taeyong had already ran away.

When they arrived at Sicheng's house, Sicheng's mom immediately opened the door, surprising the both of them.
'Sicheng! Oh and you must be Yuta.' His mom smiled widely. 'Come inside.'
Yuta smiled back at her and followed Sicheng inside. His mom was so nice compared to his own mother.
'I am so glad Sicheng was able to find a friend already.. He has been talking about you since the first day of school!'
'..Mom' Sicheng mumbled.
'Oh- I'm probably making this really awkward.. Well, you guys just go upstairs, I'll be preparing dinner.'

Sicheng closed the door behind them and sighed.
'I'm so sorry for my mom..'
'It's okay, I wish my mom was that kind.' Yuta laughed.

'So.. What do you usually do after school?' Sicheng sat next to him on his bed.
'Draw, watch anime or play videogames.'
'You know, my dad also used to love drawing and painting.'
'Nice! Do you have any paintings you can show me?'
'We left all of them with him in China.. My parents got divorced.'
'Oh.. I'm sorry.'
'No, it's fine.' Sicheng smiled. 'By the way, what is anime?'

'Anime?' Yuta grinned. 'They are basically just Japanese cartoons.. But more mature.'
'Oh! My friend back in China loved those things.' Sicheng smiled at the thought of his old friend Kun.

'You should start watching them too! I promise it'll be fun.' Yuta looked so excited, Sicheng couldn't help but say yes.
'Fine, I'll start watching the cartoons too.' Sicheng chuckled. He was planning on binge watching all the 'animes' just so he could talk about them with Yuta.

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