6 | sleepover

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Sicheng was relieved when he saw his mother snoring softly on her bed, no stranger with her. He didn't feel like seeing her this morning, not after she already invited over other men yesterday. If it wasn't for Yuta, he would've had a full blown mental breakdown, but Yuta stayed the night to distract him.

Yuta had told him not to wake him up early or else he would kill him, so that's what Sicheng did. Sicheng on the other hand always wakes up at six to take a long shower and have a proper breakfast.

He glanced at Yuta once more before finally going to the bathroom to take his shower. Sicheng didn't tell his mom that Yuta was staying over, so they couldn't get a mattress from the other room. He offered to sleep on the floor, but Yuta insisted they'd just sleep on his bed. Yuta fell asleep fairly quick, hugging Sicheng in his sleep, while Sicheng awkwardly shuffled in his grip. He was extremely tired but couldn't sleep because he was terrified that his mom would come in his room and see them like that.

After taking his thirty-minute shower and blow drying his hair, he thought it would be a good time to wake Yuta up. He wanted to make sure Yuta would have a good breakfast, especially after he was there for him the other night. Sicheng used to be kind of scared of Yuta because of how aggressive he can be, but after spending so much time with him, he realized how much of a softie Yuta really is.

He carefully shook Yuta's shoulders, causing a loud groan to leave his mouth.
'Sssht!' Sicheng covered Yuta's mouth, scared that his mom would hear him somehow.
'What the fuck- It's 7am!' Yuta whispered.
'Yeah.. We have to leave in an hour.'
'That's still too early.' Yuta furrowed his eyebrows. 'I'm going to have to kill you now.'
'..What?' Sicheng quickly got pulled into his bed, being tickled thoroughly. He let out loud giggles, forgetting about his mother for a second. When Yuta heard footsteps though, he immediately stopped.

'Sicheng..' His mom said sleepily. She opened the door, staring at the two boys who were innocently sitting on his bed.
'Oh, Yuta?' She was suddenly wide awake.
'Good morning.' Yuta smiled, not showing a sign of embarrassment.
'Mom.. We were just-'
'It's okay, save your explanation.' She smiled, confusing both boys. 'Should I prepare breakfast?'
'Uh.. Sure?' Sicheng replied reluctantly.

'Dude, your mom is so chill!' Yuta broke the silence after she left.
'I mean.. She's just in a good mood really.'
'I swear if that were my mom she would have literally killed both of us.'
'Seriously? She can't be that bad..'
'Well, she used to be okay, but now she keeps having arguments with my dad so she's constantly pissed.'
'Yeah.. I know the feeling.' Sicheng thought back of when his parents fought every night. Even though he misses his dad, he knows it's better that they're divorced.
'My parents aren't divorcing.' Yuta took a deep breath. 'They can't..'
Sicheng didn't reply.

'Do you know any other japanese people living here?' Sicheng's mother tried to start a conversation.
'Uh.. No, actually.' Yuta chowed down on his scrambled eggs.
'Mom, who was here last night?'
'Someone I met at the cafe nearby. He is really sweet!' She beamed.
'So you jus-' Sicheng got interrupted by Yuta pinching his leg, signaling to shut up.
'What'd you say dear?'
'N-Nothing.' He smiled faintly and looked down, his short pants almost showing off a red mark Yuta left by pinching him.

'Dumbass!' Yuta finally said after they left Sicheng's house. 'I told you not to aggravate her!'
'Glad to see you're back at your old and usual self.' Sicheng frowned.
'What is that supposed to mean?'
'Calling me names, telling me what to do.'
'Seriously? You know i-it's just a joke, don't you? I'm not actually calling you those names!' Yuta raised his voice.
'I don't think it's that funny of a joke when you call me a loser or dumbass.'
'Well, shit! You should've just told me!
'I can barely tell you anything because you keep grabbing everything under control!'

'Okay, if that's how you feel.. I won't bother you.' Yuta fastened his pace, walking on his own.
'B-But.' Sicheng bit his lip, trying his hardest not to go after him. He should skip school today, he can't just sit next to Yuta now.

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