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Mike wasn't in biology the next day. You bit your lip and took your seat looking around the room. Lucas and Dustin were there, but no sign of mike. You ripped out a piece of your notebook and scribbled out a note asking where Mike was and wrote Lucas's name on it and passed it behind you and hoped it would get to him without someone nosy seeing it first.

A few minutes later a note arrived on your desk reading: we don't know. He hasn't told us anything. P.S. Dustin is hurt that you didn't put his name on the note.

You smiled closing the note and began to doodle to pass the time. But soon another note landed on your desk that had your name on it. You opened it up: Eat lunch with us? -Lucas + Dustin

You fold it up and look back at them and give them a thumbs up. And resume your doodling.

When the bell rang you packed up your back pack and headed to your locker.

"Hey y/n!" Dustin said excitedly holding his lunchbox.

"Shall we?" Lucas asked motioning to the cafeteria doors bowing slightly. You giggled shutting your locker and followed the two boys into the lunchroom.

You saw Greg waving you down. You shot him a half smile and a small wave and followed after Dustin and Lucas to their usual table. It was odd. To only sit with 2 other people. You were so used to sitting at a full table all the time despite still feeling relatively alone.

"So there's some stuff...that uh..well....LUCAS YOU TELL HER." Dustin said clearly at a loss for words.

"Well uh... we found a girl last night...in the woods..." Lucas explained, "she's staying in Mike's basement right now."

"She almost got naked," Dustin added.

"That is so not the point." Lucas said putting his head in his hands. "The point is shes clearly not from around here and seems sort of alien. She's ...for lack of a better word, strange."

"Okay so some girl you found in the woods tried to get naked and is staying in Mike's basement?" You try to accumulate all of things being said.

"She has a buzz cut too," Dustin said.

"Dustin, why."  Lucas asked exasperated, "but I mean, she should be gone by now. Mike had this whole plan and his mom will take her in. But now that he's not in school... his mom either took it badly or she's still there or-" You give Lucas a dubious look, "It'll be fine." Lucas assures. You feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and see Greg.

"Hey y/n can I talk to you for a minute?" Greg asked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Uh yeah sure." You said standing up and following Greg out of the lunchroom and into the hallway.

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I should've backed you up better than I did I just...I don't know I obviously wasn't gonna let Troy hit you but...after today, you sitting with them, Troy he's..,"

"I get it, you value your reputation over your friend. It's fine."

"No that's not what I'm saying it's just-"

"You sure? Because that's what it sounds like."

"Y/n...I'm just worried about your choices. I know you're a nice person and I love that about you but these boys they don't have other friends for a reason and to have Troy on your case isn't good. Saving those boys only worked because you're on his good side and that won't work for long. Once you're one of them..."

"Greg. I. Don't. Care. With them I feel appreciated. Not like I'm just some eye candy. I feel welcome."

"I don't make you feel welcome...?"

"It's not you Greg I-" The bell cuts you off. You sigh. "I'll see you later Greg."

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