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The three of you had been yelling for El for close to thirty minutes now. The leaves crunched under the bikes and our footsteps. You were trailing behind Dustin and Mike. They were walking with their bikes and you were feeling a bit light headed so you were taking your time. Suddenly they both stop in their tracks.

"Hey did you hear that?" Mike asked.

"It was probably just y/n." Dustin said dismissively.

"El?! El?!" Mike yelled again. Crunching of leaves could be heard on the other side of a hill. You couldn't see what was coming but it sounded like two stets of footsteps from the leaves. Your suspicions were confirmed when two figures appeared from behind the hill. Troy and James emerged menacingly.

"Hey there frog face," Troy said taking a few steps took a few steps towards us and brandishing a switch blade, "Toothless," hes took a few more steps, "Crybaby." Dustin and Mike looked at you when he said 'Crybaby'.

"Shit! Run guys!" Dustin said dropping his bike and running, Mike then followed and then so did you. The three of you sprinted through the forest trying to avoid fallen trees and loose rocks that could hide under the bed of leaves on the forest floor.

"You're dead, Wheeler!" Troy yelled as he and James took off after the three of you. You were panting heavily, your light headed-ness not helping.

The three of you ran and ran and ran. You ran all the way down to the cliffs, the one with the quarry.

"Cramp!" Dustin yelled, slowing down for a second, you and mike kept running.

"Just keep going!" Mike yelled. You held your head with one hand but you followed the same advice. In your running you hadn't had time to notice that only Troy was chasing you now, and you did t realize this until James was visible running towards you from the other direction.

"Shit!' Dustin exclaimed, speeding up again. he grabbed a stick fro the ground and Mike grabbed a rock. You just froze. Great survival instincts y/n. Way to go.

"Stay back!" Dustin warned.

"Don't come any closer!" Mike threatened. Mike threw his rock in an attempt to hit James but missed horribly. James laughed,

"Nice throw numbnuts." Dustin charged at Troy raising his stick in the air, Troy grabbed the other boy's arm and twisted it until there was a loud:


You winced at the sound and as you did Troy ran up behind you, grabbed you roughly around the waist and brought a knife up to your throat.

"Troy! Let me go!" you yelled, struggling in his grip, Troys only response was to hold you tighter and press the knife closer to your neck.

"Let her go!" Mike yelled from where he stood, "Let her go!"

"Stay back or I cut her." Troy threatened.

He wouldn't. Would he? No...

"What do you want?" Mike stood as soundly as he could, you could tell he was trying his best to keep himself together.

"I wanna know how you did it!"

"Did what?"

"I know you did something to me, some nerdy science shit to make me do that." You whimpered quietly, your head was pounding.

"You mean piss your pants?"

"Our friend, has super powers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind." Dustin yelled from where he was on the ground. Troy spit on him.

"Shut up!" Troy said turning to Dustin. "Now crybaby here has been pretty quiet this whole time, what's that all about?" You bit your bottom lip hard "Maybe we should cut her till she squeals and cries like the little baby she is!"

"Let her go!" Mike and Dustin yelled nearly in unison. Troy kicked Dustin hard and pressed the knife closer to your neck, you could feel the cold blade now.

"I'll let her go, but first, its your turn." Troy bargained.

"My turn for what?" Mike questioned.

"Wet yourself."


"Jump,"Troy said nodding towards the cliff drop off.  "Or I'll hurt your precious y/n..."

There's no way. He's gotta be bluffing.

"Alright, alright. Just...hold on." Mike turned his back to you and Troy and made his way towards where the path drops off.

"Mike! don't!" Dustin yelled earning another hard kick from Troy, this time a crack was heard.

"Mike! seriously! Mike! Don't!" You yelled. Troy pressed the sharp edge of the blade into your neck and you screamed. Mike whipped around at the sound and frantically looked from you to Troy.

"Troy, I don't think this is a good Idea, man." James chimed in. Troy ignored him.

"Better move fast lover boy." Troy pressed a little harder before putting in the flat part of the blade against your neck in the wound instead of digging in with the sharp side.

"It hurts!" You yelled as you started to cry.

"Here come the tears, that's right crybaby, cry!" You watched through tears as Mike walked to the edge of the cliff, and stepped off. Troy threw you down to the ground and rushed to the edge to watch, James watched too. You and Dustin were left on the ground, him screaming for Mike and you sobbing into Mike's jacket. Suddenly you heard Mike yelling-above you? What? You looked up and saw mike soaring over your head and he was put down on his feet behind you. Eleven emerged from the woods, her nose bleeding. Fuck yeah. James fell to the ground, it looked like he was pushed by some invisible force. There was a loud cracking sound that caused Troy to grab his arm and yell out in pain. "She broke my arm. My arm!"

"Go." Elven commanded.

Troy and James stumbled away and ran at the sight of El.

"Yeah that's right! You better run! " Dustin yelled finally getting to his feet but clutching his arm, "She's our friend and she's crazy!"

Mike ran to your side as soon as he got his bearings. Dustin was still yelling at Troy and James as the ran off. Your head hurt like hell adn so did your neck.

"y/n, y/n! talk to me. are you okay?" Mike looked panicked as he grabbed your hand and sat by your side. "I'm so sorry he hurt you, I should've protected you better. I- I-"

"Mike, It's okay. I'm okay." Right as you said that El collapsed, mike let go of your hand to go to her side.

"El are you okay?" mike asked shaking her, he had been doing that for a good few minutes. "El?" Eleven began to cry.

"Mike... I'm sorry."

"Sorry? what are you sorry for?"

"The gate... I opened it... I'm the monster."

Who am I to you? // Mike Wheeler x Reader (✔)Where stories live. Discover now