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Your eyes fluttered open to see Mike, El and Dustin huddled around a radio. "The Bad men are coming!" you heard the voice on the other side yell. Was that Lucas?

"The bad men!" Mike went wide eyed. "Stay here!" he instructed El before he bolted up the stairs with Dustin close behind him. El turned to me.

"You're awake."

"Heh, yeah I am." You mumbled. She walked over and sat next to you. "Have I ever formally introduced myself to you?" El shook her head, "Sorry about that. THere's been a lot going on."

"It's okay." El replied.

"I'm Y/n," you said sitting up and sticking out your hand. She shook it.

"Eleven." A stampede of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Mike threw on his green jacket and his back pack. El stood up and Dustin opened the door in the basement.

"We have to leave NOW!" Dustin exclaimed ushering El out the door. Mike looked to you.

"Can you walk?" you looked at him wide eyed, not sure of the answer.

"I-" you started but Mike cut you off. "Never mind I'll just-" Mike walked over and picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the basement. Dustin shut the door behind you guys. Mike put you down and he and Dustin hopped on his bike.

"El get on with me." Dustin said patting the seat behind him. You get on behind Mike and hold him tight. As you all were making this transition you saw men in all black get out of vans. One of them who appeared to be the leader seemed to recognize Eleven and she stared back at him. "Go go go go!" Dustin yelled beginning to pedal onward. Mike did the same. The men in black ran back to their vans and peeled out of the cul de sac. Dustin was talking to someone through a headset, presumably Lucas.

"Elm and Cherry!" He yelled out.

"Alright." Mike said pedaling faster. You were finding it difficult to keep your eyes open. Your light headed-ness from earlier was rearing it's head again. Mike must've felt your grip loosening on him because he turned his head to the side for a moment to look at you. He's really close right now... "C'mon y/n, stay with me." He whispered to you. You nodded blushing a bit. The boys were taking a shortcut through someone's yard to avoid the vans. There were girls playing patty cake and talking in the backyard as you zoomed past.

Huh? Was that...?

"Hey mike." You murmured.

"Whats up?" he asked over his shoulder.

"That was Amanda Turner's house." He grinned.

"If only she could see me now." You giggled. Mike and Dustin steered the bikes out of the back yard and out onto the street where you found Lucas. "Lucas!'

"Where are they?" Lucas asked, out of breath.

"I don't know I think we lost them." Dustin replied, also panting. You glance behind us and see vans turning the corner.

"Nope!" You exclaimed to the group. Mike looked too.

"Go go go go go!"

All three of the boys peddled quickly moving the bikes as fast as they could when out of a nowhere a new van peeled onto the street coming towards them. The boys didn't slow down as they hurtled towards the van.

"Guys?!" As you yelled though the van was flipped up into the air above you all. Everyone looked up in awe at the van as it rolled in mid air. The whole event felt like it was in slow motion. The van landed with a loud crash but Mike didn't hesitate at all and just kept on moving. You looked back at El with a smile:

"That was amazing!"

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