Chapter 25 ➸ [FINALE Part 2]

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Katelyn and I looked at eachother awkwardly over the kitchen table. I barely know her as well... But I knew her? Gosh, this is awkward. It was more awkward with our parents talking a cuty and flirty like across the table. They called eachother suger bear. BLEAH!

"Hey Y/N" Katelyn said. I didn't know what to say so I just said


"This is awkward heh." She said, looking at the plate of food before her.

"Yea.." I said. "Very"

"Do you play any sports?" Katelyn asked.

"Just some soccer, and tiny bit of vollyball"

She squealed and smiled.

"I love volleyball!" I laughed. I know I never knew her, but, I just never saw her smile like this before.

"We have a net somewhere in the basement! I could ask my mom of we could set it up!" I said

"Yea lets do it! I have the ball in the car, I'll go grab it!" She said

"Okay, see you in the backyard!" I said, I went to the basement, and saw the net. I grabbed it and went to the backyard. Katelyn was already there, and we both started to set up the net.

"No mean no brag... But I am pretty good at volleyball!" She said laughing

"Awww, take it easy on me!" I said laughing as well.

3rd Person POV- With DA PARENTS

"Oh Erick!" M/N said looking at her daughter, and Katelyn play volleyball.

"They're hittin it off like I told you Sugar bear!" Erick said, giving M/N a side hug

"Yes, you were right after all!" M/N giggled. M/N never felt this happy before. The only other time was when Y/N was born. But F/N was her downside.

"I'm going to make some strawberry puffs" Erick said "Can you stay here with the girls Honey bear?" M/N nodded, and Erick went inside

"Boy do I love him..." M/N said. Ericks phone buzzed. "Huh?" M/N said confused. "Oh, Its Ericks phone! Eri- Wait what???" M/N said, reading the text.

Text Message-
Garte: Erick. This is important. It's about  Elizabeth and Katelyn. Please text me as soon as you can.

"What the? Whos Elizabeth?" M/N said, trying to ignore the part of her brain saying that he's cheating on her.

"Honey Bear! I made some Strawberry puffs!" Erick said, holding a plate ful of them. M/N didn't turn around.

"Whos Elizabeth?" M/N said never turning around

"... Wh-What?" Erick said wide eyed.

"Wh-Who is she!" M/N said her voice breaking. "A-And why is Garte texting you about her?"

"Sh-She's Katelyns mother. She's my Ex." Erick said putting the strawberry puffs down and embracing M/N in a hug. He read the text. "Oh M/N... If you want to know.. And I think you should. Your apart of my family now."


(Time Skip to when Y/N and Katelyn are asleep in Y/N's room)

"M/N. I have been texting Garte" Erick admitted. M/N just stayed silent. "But I just can't sau everything right now" Erick said as he looked at M/N with sorry eyes

"....I trust you Erick" M/N said breaking the silence and hugging Erick back.

"I'll always trust you"


Woo! Book is finished!~ I'm writing an aftermath right now huehue. So it's not really over? Anyways, still debating if I should write a second book to this.

Should I?

Anyways, this was the first
fan-fic that I completed and I can't wait to write another one!

Do you have any ideas how what my next fan fiction should be? Then Leave a comment!

Thank you guys so much for reading!!!

Love ya all!


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