Chapter 2

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~Kimiko's POV~

When Grell introduced himself to Neku, I saw her look up and just freeze. What made it even stranger was that Grell froze in place as well! I was going to nudge Neku, but Ciel began to speak.

"Is everything alright?". Neku broke out of her trance and looked around Grell to face Ciel. "Everything's fine sir." She said confidently, but I heard a slight quiver in her voice. I'll have to ask her about that later.

Ciel looked unconvinced but shrugged it off. "If you say so. I have no time for nonsense like this in the future so do try to keep it to a minimum understand?" Ciel directed to all of the servants. We all nodded in sync and Ciel stood up from his chair.

"Sebastian!" Ciel said. "Yes, my lord?" Sebastian came to his master's side. "Meet me in my office in five minutes, it's about time for my lessons don't you think?" Ciel asked as he began to walk off.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed before heading off in the opposite direction.

I looked around at everyone else and saw Grell was still staring at Neku. "Grell darling, I do believe I hear Sebastian calling! Be a dear and go see what he needs." Madame Red ordered Grell which woke him from his trance. "Oh, right away Mistress!" He said quickly. Before he left the room, he whispered something in Neku's ear and I saw her turn pale.

Once Grell left the room completely, Madame Red bounded up and quickly locked the door. "Do you need something Madame?" I asked politely, but in a quiet voice. "As a matter of fact, I do." She responded seriously. "Uh, should we go now, Miss?" Baldroy asked while getting up.

"Oh no, it's quite alright if you stay, but if you really do wish to leave then I do believe the windows are unlocked!" Madame Red stated as she gestured towards the large bank of windows on the far side of the room. I had a hard time deciding if she was serious or not, what with that silly grin she always seems to wear, but I guess she was very serious as she didn't crack a humorous smile or laugh.

The other servants paled slightly and took their seats once more as everyone's attention was once again stuck on Madame Red.

"Now Neku, dear." She addressed her, "Do tell me what Grell was so worked up about!" She ordered.

Neku looked around uncomfortably, shifting her feet every now and then, before finally speaking up. "I much rather discuss this in private, if you don't mind Madame?" That actually surprised me. Neku wasn't one to be nervous like this, so it made me even more curious as to what exactly happened. I'm sure she'll tell me eventually.

"I don't see why. There should be no secrets among us, if you know what I mean." Madame Red winked and gestured to all the other servants.

"I'm afraid I don't, Madame." Neku replied honestly. Truthfully, I didn't understand either. I'm sure these servants had some secrets, you tell just by looking in their eyes. Everyone in this room had a secret, why was it only Neku had to spill hers? I didn't find that very fair, so I stepped in.

"Pardon me, Madame, but I do believe we have duties to attend to before the day is up. The sun has begun to set and if we don't start soon, we won't have time to finish everything before supper." I said courteously. Neku nodded her head gratefully at me when Madame's Red's back was turned, making me smile ever so slightly.

Madame Red let out a sigh and looked around at everyone. "I suppose that's true, well, do get going then dears, but I do wish to speak to you later Neku, understand?" She spoke the last part directly at Neku, to which she nodded and stepped backwards as Madame Red unlocked the door.

Once everyone, not including Madame Red, had evacuated the room, the three other servants let out a breath of relief.

"What was all that about?!" Finnian, I believe his name was, asked Neku. Neku just shook her head slightly and pushed past everyone, grabbing my arm on the way. "I need to talk to you." She whispered. I nodded and looked back at the other servants, motioning that we would be back shortly to help with the chores. They looked among themselves for a moment, as if they were speaking mentally and deciding whether or not to let us go, before nodding unanimously and going about their way.

Neku pulled me into the servants quarters and shut the door quickly behind us. She let out a shaky sigh and sat down on one of the three beds. "Are you alright?" I asked her, despite the fact that she clearly was NOT alright.

She shook her head and looked me in the eye. "Grell is like me." She said simply.

I looked at her confused for a moment before speaking up. "What? What do you mean he is "like you"? A servant? That's obvious-"

"No," She interrupted suddenly, "He's a reaper!" She whispered.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you positive?!". Neku nodded and looked at the ground.

"What are we going to do? He wants to speak to me after the master has gone to bed! What if he tells Ciel or Sebastian?!" She rambled on, pulling at her hair out of worry.

I stood there trying to think of something, when the door suddenly flew open with a bang. Neku jumped nearly three feet high and all the color drained from her face. I hadn't even flinched and turned around calmly to look at who barged in so rudely. There stood Sebastian and Grell, both emotionless as they looked down upon us.

"Is there something you need? If this is about us not attending our duties, we were just leaving." I stated as I motioned for poor Neku to stand up.

"No, don't worry, it's only your first day, it's completely  understandable that you are adjusting to your new situation," Sebastian waved me off, "But Grell here has told me something very interesting that I would like to discuss with you two." He finished.

We're doomed.

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