Chapter 4

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More of a filler chapter cause I really wanted to get this out quickly, sorry!

~Kimiko's POV~

It has been a few days since Neku and I have started working at the Phantomhive manor and we've barely had a moments rest the entire time. Every other minute Mey-Rin breaks something or Baldroy burns something or Finny messes something up with his unusual strength. It's quite nerve-wracking to be surrounded by so many bumbling idiots, but I suppose it's for the best. There's rarely a dull moment and Neku and I are constantly on our toes, distracted from our ever growing predicament. I do wonder often how everything wasn't in shambles or ruined before Neku and I arrived. These servants are so clumsy, without someone to guide them the house would be burned down by now with nothing to draw from the ashes besides that, ashes.

It must have been that butler, Sebastian. He seems to carry himself quite well, I understand much of Ciel's faith that he puts in him. Though, who's to say it's actually faith or the contract they have established? A well knowledgeable demon such as Sebastian would never construct a contract with any of those fools they've employed as servants, so that leaves Ciel. But the child is so young, I must say I am surprised. I wonder what brought around his need for a demon's help. His soul does smell quite tasty, but I must resign myself from any means of abducting it. I've sworn off helping humans in exchange for their souls for quite some time now, I shall not retreat to my old ways because of such a feast that lay before me in the form of a child.

I was shaken from my thoughts when I felt a light tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn my head slightly. Standing before me was Sebastian, in all his demonic glory, staring down at me. I took a step back calmly and smoothed out my apron, "May I help you, Sebastian?" I asked in a smooth voice, clear of any deficiencies. "Yes, I believe you can." He responded without hesitation and a closed eye smile.

Sebastian motioned for me to follow him and I quickly obliged. He led down several corridors adorned in large paintings of Ciel's ancestors, scenery from around the world, there was even a painting of what I assume was a family dog. Sebastian eventually stopped in front of two double doors and pulled a small key from his chest pocket, inserting it into the lock. A quiet 'Click" came from the door and Sebastian swung it open and strode in gracefully. I followed in his footsteps and closed the door behind me.

"May I asked why you have summoned-" I began to speak while I turned around, but I was cut off by a butter knife grazing the side of my face. I didn't flinch as it hit the door behind me, followed by a loud 'CRACK'. I brought my left hand up to my face and brushed it across my wound. When I retracted my hand, I was met with blood on my fingertips.

I lifted my gaze up to Sebastian, who was straightening his suit coat. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded coolly. No point in creating a ruckus and drawing the attention of anyone else.

"Oh, is it not the time for games? I could've sworn it was when I caught you eyeing my young master, a hungry demeanor surrounding you, if I may add." He responded in the same tone with a slight smirk.

I wiped my hand on my apron calmly, "I do not know what you are speaking of. This quarrel is unnecessary." I disagreed. He lifted his hand from where it had rested inside his coat, revealing a hand full of kitchen utensils. "It is not polite to lie, Kimiko. I'll have to teach you a lesson." and with that, he charged towards me.

My right hand flew to my waistband and pulled out a small dagger, a trinket I had acquired during Neku's and my travels. I raised it to shield my face as the sound of metal on metal resounded throughout the room.

~Neku's POV~

I had just finished straightening up some sheets in a closet when I began to search for Kimiko. The sun had began to go down and all of my chores were finished, as per usual. I had some things I wanted to discuss with her, alas, she was nowhere to be found.

I searched room after room, stairwell after stairwell, I even looked in the unlit furnace, but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed and was passing the kitchen when I heard Baldroy swear loudly. "What 'appened to all the damn silverware?!"

I slowed my pace and walked backwards to the kitchen door again. I opened the door slightly and peeked in. "Lost something?" I asked with a small laugh. "Hm?" Roy turned to look at the door, then down at me. "Oh, yea, I didn't lose the bloody things!" He emphasized "I" as he ranted, "Someone effin stole em!" He shouted, exasperated. I furrowed my eyebrows and stepped into the room, "What do you mean someone "stole" them?" I asked curiously. How could one simply make off with a box full of silverware? And who could get into the manor without any of us knowing?

"Just as I said, someone stole 'em!" Roy repeated angrily, " 'Ow am I supposed to serve 'is lordship dinna if 'e doesn't 'ave anyphin to eat with?!" He growled and he rummaged through all the cupboards, searching for the missing silverware.

I rubbed my chin inquisitively and thought of where they could be. "Roy, I'll be back, I'm going to ask Mey-Rin and Finny if they've seen them." I said before turning to go. "Yea, yea." he shouted as I stepped through the door. I quietly closed the door behind me and rushed off to find the others before dinner had to be served. Who the hell would steal silverware at this time of day? Even amateur robbers aren't that stupid.

I was walking at a fairly quick pace down a long hallway when a door suddenly opened in front of me, causing me to come to a quick halt. I stumbled as I tried not to hit the door and when I finally regained my balance, I saw Mey-Rin standing there, looking particularly flustered.

"Ah, Mey-Rin! I don't suppose you've seen-"

"I'm so sorry Neku, I didn't mean to lost it, I didn't!" She gripped my shoulders as her shoulders shook with tears. I looked up at her with a confused and shocked expression. "Didn't mean to lose what?" I questioned as I attempted to awkwardly calm her down by rubbing her arm. "Well, I don't know-" she began  through her loud crying, "But all I knows is that Miss Kimiko's chest was unlocked and wide open, it was!" she sobbed as her knees gave way. I grunted as I struggled to hold her up, but I eventually gave up and gently let her down.

I sent a worried glance into our quarters and put a hand on Mey-Rin's shoulder, "I'm going to go have a look to see if I can find what was stolen, if anything. You stay put, alright?" I said in a demanding tone. She nodded meekly and I dashed into the room.

I began to tear apart Kimiko's chest, looking for anything that seemed off. I searched every inch of the chest, but nothing seemed wrong. All her clothes were there, as well as her books and pictures. Her souvenirs that she insisted on keeping were there too. I sifted through them again to see if I had missed something and gasped when I finally realized it. Her knife was gone. Her souvenir from Fiore. It was nowhere to be seen.

I slammed the chest closed and ran out of the room at full speed, almost tripping over Mey-Rin. "Mey-Rin! Go finish your chores, everything is fine!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran down the hallway, hearing a feeble "Aye" before I rounded the corner.

No one would steal a petty knife like the one Kimiko had and she only took it out when she sensed extreme danger. This was not good, not good at all. I had to find her before something bad happened!

Little did I know, that bad happening was already in full swing and wasn't about to stop any moment soon...

I finally updated, woo! I promised a friend I would update over winter break and there's one more hour till winter break ends, SO I ACTUALLY KEPT MY PROMISE! YAY!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I didn't proof read it because I have to get to bed, but I'll do that tomorrow or something.

Thank you so much for reading! A comment on what you think would be fantastic and I will hopefully update again very soon!

Have a wonderful day and never loose happiness, kay?



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