Chapter 1

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~Neku's POV~

The rain slammed against the roof of the carriage as my friend and I rode away towards our new home. I stared out into the rain, noticing how the green of the hills and brush popped against the gray sky. I began to day dream about what was to be expected at our home. Would they find out what we are and force us to leave? I do hope they aren't like most of the people in the town we came from, always making small talk even when they knew you were angry. I glad Kimiko and I got out of there when we did, otherwise there might have been a few 'accidents'.

I heard Kimiko sigh next to me, so I turned and gave her a questioning look. Kimiko was probably one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. She had long, smooth jet black hair that went past her hips and covered her left eye, inducing a mysterious feel about her. Her eyes were a combination of red and brown, which stood out nicely against her pale skin and she had the most perfect lips, plush and full. Her body was something to marvel at though. Kimiko had a perfect hour-glass figure, unlike myself. I believe I have barely any curves and am all-round dull. The thing that stands out most about me is my electric blue hair. I had it short and choppy, framing my face, just the way I like it. I, of course, also had green eyes. They kind of came in the job description of what I am, I would have much rather ed having simple and plain brown eyes, but not everything can go one's way now can it? I was a little shorter than Kimiko, but she was also older than I, so I still have time to catch up.

Kimiko turned away from her window and stared at me with her right eye. "Do you think it was a good idea to leave?" She asked, still staring at me. I looked at her in disbelief. "Of course it was a good idea! I swear, if we didn't leave we would've been run out! Everyone knew there was something strange about us and they tried not to show it, but they're no actors. Now we can start anew and, hopefully, not be in an annoying environment." I almost yelled. Kimiko looked down at her fidgeting fingers. "Yea, I guess your right." She said quietly.

I smiled softly. Kimiko was just so adorable! If I didn't know better, I would just envelope her in a big hug as one would do with a teddy bear. She may be older, but I always thought of us as equals, in a weird sense.

I yawned loudly and rested my head back on my seat as I took my glasses off and set them in their case to avoid any damage to them. If I had a pound for every time I had to get new glasses because I broke them, I would be set for life! After listening to the scratch of the wheels against the gravel, I eventually fell into a blissful sleep.


I felt someone shaking my shoulder and calling my name. "Neku. Neku? Neku! NEKU!" I flew up and my head collided with Kimiko's. "What on earth has gotten into you? Why did you wake me?" I asked angrily while rubbing the sore spot on my head. "We've arrived." She said as she turned towards the door of the carriage.

I huffed quietly and pulled myself up, getting out behind Kimiko. "Do you think they'll force me to wear a dress?" I asked as I gently tugged my coat tighter around my shoulders. I very much preferred my black dress pants, which were specially made, white blouse, and black coat with black flats to any of those fancy dresses. "Probably.I bet you two pounds that they will." Kimiko smirked. I playfully hit her arm and said "Your on!" as I walked to the back of the carriage to gather my belongings.

Kimiko had it good, she loved black dresses so never minded wearing one. I, on the other hand, hated them with a passion. They were always itchy and tight, not to mention extremely uncomfortable when you wanted to sit down. At least, that's the experience I've had with dresses in the past. Kimiko keeps trying to convince me that dresses aren't that bad, but I never believe her. Dress are evil. Completely and utterly evil.

Just as I was about to grab my first bag, a gloved hand came out of nowhere and picked it up. "Please, allow me." I heard a formal voice say. I turned around and found myself face-to-face with whom I'm guessing was the butler of this estate. He reminded me of Kimiko in some strange way. Hm, I'll figure it out eventually.

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