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"You're sure you don't want to come to California?"

"You're sure you don't want to come to Paris?

Harry scrunched his nose. Louis smiled triumphantly. "Exactly."

Harry sighed. "This is it, then, yes?"

Louis smiled a sad smile and nodded his head slowly. "I suppose so. I'm sure we'll meet up again when you're rich and famous and in love and you come to Paris for a show. It'll happen again eventually, Haz," Louis assured.

"You're right. I just wish you would marry me instead of running away again."

"Harry, you know I can't drop everything for California. I've already been in London too long. It's February. I need to get back to work."

"Okay Lou. I'll ask you again one day."

Louis took a deep breath. "Harry."

Harry gave a cheeky smile but soon dropped it when he saw how serious the smaller boy was.

"You need to find someone else, love. I wish I could promise that we have a future together. I simply don't know. I'm so sorry," his eyes filled with tears.

Harry immediately gathered him in his arms. He held Louis as he cried in the middle of the airport. Both boys heard the final call for Paris.

Neither of them moved.

After another 15 minutes, Harry kissed the top of Louis' head and pushed him through his gate to board the plan. He blew the boy a tiny kiss and sent him on his way.

Harry had his blessing.

Louis never got his.

3 years later

"Five, six, five six seven eight!" The students in front of Louis began their turns, some falling out of the turns after 16 counts. "Stop! Start again, some of you aren't balancing correctly! Think before the count, Amelia."

The students prepare again and Louis counts. His phone begins to ring and he immediately goes to answer it. "Take a break! Everyone gets water."

He answers without checking the caller ID.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Hey bub!" His mother's loud voice rings in his ears. He immediately smiles.

"Hi Mum."

"You're coming home soon, right? Harry's coming home too." Jay's voice is teasing.

Louis ignores it and rolls his eyes since she can't see him. "I'm coming, yes. I'm getting the students set up for their choreographers now, but I can't do that with you calling me every time I'm working, Mum."

She sighed, "I'll call you before your flight! Love you!" She hangs up without him being able to respond.

"Okay! Everyone, please come to the center of the room and sit." The students do as he says. "As you know, I'll be gone for quite some time. I'll be back for your recital in the fall and I'll be sure to stay in touch with your parents. Please be nice to the choreographers that are with you. They have as much authority as I do."

"Yes, sir," the students say together.

"Okay, you're dismissed. Ill see you in 3 months!" The students hug Louis, he sheds a few tears, and their parents thank him before they all leave. Louis packs his things and goes straight to the airport. His mum calls him as he's taking his bags out of the car.

"Hello, again, Mother."

"Lose the tone, Tomlinson."

Louis sighs, "yes ma'am."

"You don't have to come back here right now, Louis. I said soon, not this second," his mom informs. Her tone is snappy but Louis ignores it.

"His wedding is next week, Mum. It's the right thing to do."

"The right thing to do would've been to marry you instead of going off to Calif-"


"I'm sorry! Okay, I'm done. It's just going to be a lot to handle. Don't you think? You guys had a lot going for you. He was your daddy for goodness sak-"

"Can we stop bringing up my past? I'm over that now, okay? I don't even understand why I ever needed him in that way."

Jay was silent, sullen. "Okay," she whispered and hung up.

Louis felt immediate guilt. He didn't mean to make his own mum upset, however, he had to get over Harry eventually. This was the way to do it. Harry was getting married.

He couldn't change a thing.

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