Chapter 2 | Isabella

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I ran for the library, deciding to feast on books rather than food. I waved to the librarian, Mrs. Seshat as I headed to my usual secluded seat. She was always trying to get me to call her by her first name, Jiang, but I would have just felt weird, like I was being disrespectful.

I picked out a few books that I thought my be helpful for the report that would be due next week in World Culture. I had decided to write my report on Egyptian Mythology, I just wasn't sure if I should generalize or choose a specific deity.

I was just taking out my second reference book on Ancient religions and cults, "The Rise And Fall Of Secret Ancient Egyptian Cults" (one book is never enough for me,) when a massive shadow fell over me. 

That's weird, I thought to myself. I didn't remember reading about a solar eclipse today.

Shaking my head in annoyance, I continued to pull out the other fifteen books that I needed for my report when I heard a throat clearing behind me which caused me to drop the last book I had taken out in surprise.

Huffing in annoyance, I turned to the idiot that didn't know better than to interrupt my reading time in annoyance. People can be so clueless, never mind rude. If I was I the library during lunch, it was obviously for a reason. Manners, anyone?

There were three massive boys in front of me. I think they were boys, although they resembled giants more than anything else. I craned my head back until I heard it let out an ominous creak  in an attempt to meet their gazes somewhere around where clouds were circling their heads.

Why were they all so tall?  Way to make me feel short I thought.  The shortest had to be well over six and a half feet tall - the shortest mind. They all looked similar but it was hard to tell with them towering over me like this, their faces half hidden by the shadows dancing across their faces.

The first one had shoulder-length auburn waves surrounding an angular face.  I fingered my curls self-consciously.  Why did guys always have better features?  I wonder what he used on his hair so shiny?  His almond shaped eyes were such a golden brown.  

The second man had short, strawberry blond waves surrounding an equally angular face, his complexion slightly less ruddy, more of a peach color.  His wide almond eyes reminded me of chunks of amber like those I had seen of the amber room.

The last giant had short, silvery-blond spikes that surrounded the pale cream of his face which was slightly less angular then the other two stranger's faces.  His molten gold eyes were also shaped like almonds, though slightly narrower than the other two.

They all reeked of a rich cologne I noted.  It reminded me of the ocean, fresh rain and some exotic, spicy herb I couldn't name.  All three of them were massive compared to me.

"Can I help you," I asked, just to be polite, raising my left brow as I tried to figure out why they were here in the first place.

They continued to stare down at me.

"Are you new?" I decided to try again.

"Are you lost? You do speak English, right?  Habla usted inglés?"  Maybe they were Russian...

If not, I was fluent in Spanish, French and Italian. I knew a smattering of other languages as well, like Russian, German, Japanese, Mandarin and Hebrew, which I learned mostly out of boredom.  That, and I had been inspired by people like Queen Elizabeth I of England and Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt.  I decided to try one last time.

"Do you know English," I asked as I peered up at the three silent mountains.  "Habla usted inglés," I reapeated in Spanish. "Parles-tu anglais? Um...lei parla inglese..?"

They continued to stare, not moving a muscle.  I began to wonder if they weren't feeling well, or just weren't all there.  

Then they turned to each other, quietly muttering to one another.

Rude! Fine then. I had planned on doing my homework originally anyways.

Just as I was about to start my homework, one of the mentally deficient giants yanked the book that was in my hand from my grasp.  What the hell?  You don't touch a girl's book.  You just don't.

"Reading during lunch - don't you eat," the one with gold eyes boomed.  How dare he?  Who did he think he was, my daddy?  

"Give that back," I cried, jumping to my feet as I attempted to reach my book. He simply held my textbook above his head with a lazy smirk, watching as I jumped up and down. As soon as I realized that the pig was enjoying it, I immediately stopped, pouting.

"Maybe if you tell us your name," the one with white-blond attempted to flirt. Badly.  They needed to get out of my personal bubble; their musk was making me want to sneeze.

"Belle? Belle! Are you in here again? I brought you lunch and some hot goss*," Izzy called.

Three identical smirks lit up their faces upon hearing my nickname. I simply shrugged; they would have eventually found out, and I had an escape now. I immediately began packing up all of my books, waving a quick goodbye to Mrs. Seshat as I headed towards Izzy's voice.

"Izzy! My savior," I cried dramatically, holding one hand to my heart, fluttering my lashes as I did so. "Did you know that there are three giant beasts on the loose? We should really alert the police."

She simply eyed me with her usual amusement while I ignored said beasts.  "Really," she drawled drily. "And where are said beasts?" Her amber eyes were glittering with amusement as she humored me.

I pointed to the three towering hulks over my shoulder with a smirk which was mirrored by hers.  God, they definitely needed lessons on manners.

"Ah, those blundering, babbling baboons. Yeah, we probably should do society a service and alert the proper authorities," she agreed easily. "What would we tell them though," she mused.  "I saw them earlier in the halls - it's kind of hard not to though."

"Bumbling, babbling baboons," the red-head mumbled with an amused smirk plastered across his face.

"We'll figure something out. I have a feeling they aren't house trained though." Laughing, we made our way to the bathroom so that we could discuss whatever Isis had come to gossip about.



A/N: If you have any questions about my story, I'm always open answering them. 

If you would like me to look at your own story, I'm always happy to do so.  I do tend to read about as much as I write and work on my artwork after all.  ;)

As always, votes, comments, likes, adds, shares and follows are appreciated.  I truly love hearing from my readers!



Mates with Three Giant Beasts | Book II | 18+ (complete - editing)Where stories live. Discover now