Chapter 13 | Isabella

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"What is this," I gasped.

"What's what," Hades asked, his voice heavily laced with humor. "Don't touch that," he barked suddenly. His mood had inexplicably darkened in an instant.

"Why not," I pouted. "It's just an old book." 

His face seemed to darken at my answer, his eyes flashing. He didn't wait for me to protest further, just roughly snatched the book from my hands. 

From the quick glance I had gotten I had just seen a faded cherry red leather cover.  It had designs in gold leaf that wove their way over the fraying cover, but no title or author.  It had almost looked like a diary of some sort.

"I'm going to kill him," he muttered. "I'm going to kill him, bring him back, then kill him again." He continued to mutter under his breath as I slowly backed away.

What was he going on about?  Was he talking about one of his brothers?  I had never seen him like this; I was scared.

What did that book have to do with him and his brothers anyway?

"Who are you going to kill," I said quietly, almost in a whisper as I gently touched his arm and he reared back as if to attack me. I quickly backed away from him, frightened of the dark look on his face. His face softened, realizing he was scaring me.

"I'm sorry Bella. I didn't mean to frighten you," he said contritely. I eyed him warily, unsure of whether or not it was completely safe to approach him yet.

I went over to a nearby chair to sit as I warily eyed him.

"I-is it OK if I ask why I can't look at it..? It's just a book, right?"  What harm could it do I thought as I played with the aged cover.

There was a pause at this. Hades shut his eyes, face turned to the ceiling as if to ask the Great Mother either for guidance or patience. I wasn't sure if it was to tame his wolf or to ask the Goddess for patience.  


His eyes flew open, as if he had momentarily been lost in thought. I wondered what he was so angry about.

"It's just about our pack's finances. I wouldn't want you to bother your pretty little head about it." I narrowed my eyes at that, then wiped my face clean of any expression.

Bother my head?  Did he think I was an idiot?  I took all A.P. classes, thank you very much!

"Would like me to stand here and look pretty instead," I cooed in a sickly sweet as my voice seemed to drip poisoned honey, with my arms folded over my chest.  He looked like he was about to respond before he seemed to realize that he had done something wrong.

His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "No of course not! You're not pretty! I mean, you are, no wait," he was worriedly babbling as my eyes narrowed further and further. What a chauvinistic pig.  If my eyes narrowed any further my eyes would be shut.

"I think I'm well enough to leave now, don't you," I said quietly. Though it sounded like a question it wasn't.  I brushed my cloud of chocolate brown  hair away from my face before folding my arms once more.

"No, I'm sorry! You don't understand Bella," he said as he reached out to grab my arm.  I could actually feel my eyes flaring as I yanked my arm out of his reach.

"Don't touch me," I hissed, shrugging one shoulder as he reached out for me again. "I'm leaving." It didn't even have the semblance of a question this time. "When the three of you get your acts together, call me.  Actually don't; I'll just call you."

"What?  You can't!"

He reached out for me, grabbing my wrist in an attempt to force me to stay and listen to him.  I was done listening to him though, done listening to them.  I was only there because of his currish, motley-minded brother in the first place.

"You're my mate, not my father.  Don't tell me what to do," I said as I jerked my arm towards him them yanked it back, releasing me from his hold.

I rubbed my now sore wrist, eyeing him balefully as I did.  Great, it was already turning red.  That was going to leave a bruise.

Letting out an angry huff, I turned on my heel and headed out of the library, all the way back to the living room, then out the door. I called for an Quicksilver Woden taxi as I was in the elevator.

Luckily, a Quicksilver Woden had been nearby; one was waiting right outside. I smiled at the driver, politely greeting him. He nodded back in return as I buckled my seat belt.

I saw three massive forms speeding towards the car just as the Uber pulled away.



Mates with Three Giant Beasts | Book II | 18+ (complete - editing)Where stories live. Discover now