Chapter 11 | Isabella

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For some inexplicable reason I decided it would be better to leave Fuzzy Bun Bun and Lady Silver Paws with Poseidon while Hades showed me the library.  

If you were wondering, I had changed Silver Paws name to Lady Silver Paws since she hadn't pooped on me.  

Here's looking at you, Fuzzy Bun Bun, I thought slightly disgruntled.

I had looked down at the baby bunny and immediately forgiven her; she was just so adorable, the fuzzles!  What monster would be able to be stay angry at a baby bunny?

"Are we almost there," I asked.

He sighed. "Nearly, little one."

"I'm not little," I cried in outrage. "You're just a giant."


"You are! A great, big, massive giant," I insisted.


"A towering hulk of---" he seemed to have had enough of my teasing since he covered my mouth. Gross!  I eyed his hand with distaste. I hope he washed his hands often. "Eh mehemeth," I just managed around his massive paw. What had his parents fed him?


"A behemoth," I repeated once he removed the dust-bin lid he called a hand.

He simply eyed me, clearly amused.

We made our way to the next level as I eyed my surroundings with interest.

"How much of the hotel did you guys rent?"

I paused to admire a life size oil painting of an older couple surrounded by either family or friends set in a thick, antique gold frame.  Everyone in the painting was wearing some sort of long, white robe of a strange material with silvery buttons.

The artist had made them almost seem like the couple in the middle were looking down at me, watching me.  Was this a forgotten Da Vinci?    I reached my hand out before I realized what I was doing and quickly withdrew my it.

"Three floors...I think," Hades replied absently.

"Hmm," I said as I stared at the painting.  Why did it look so familiar?

Then I realized what he said.  It felt like my eyes were bugging at that.  "Three floors?  You do realize that not only are the three of you just visiting but, well, there are three of you," I demanded with my hands on my hips.

"And?  We each have our own floor this way.  Less fighting, you know?"

"Well it just seems a bit unnecessary?"

"Says the girl who asked us to build a library here..."

"I meant in my home you blithering fool," I burst out in exasperation, throwing my hands in the air.

"That isn't what you said though, is it?  I suppose you'll just have to return if you like to see your bunnies, library and art room won't you?"

I just stared at him, clearly unimpressed.  Before I could open my mouth he continued.  "We're here."


"We're here, at your library," he clarified repeated.

We had stopped next to the room I had been staying at for the past week since Zeus, my least favorite mate, had bitten me.  "Can we stop at my room?  These clothes are you have anything I can wear by the way?"

"Sure.  Let me just go grab something."

He made his way three doors down to the left where I soon heard banging and slamming.  That seems needlessly loud.

He was back within two minutes with a pair of striped emerald green and silver boxers and a emerald green shirt with a silver-grey wolf embroidered on it. How very Slytherin.  Oh well.  At least they were clean clothes.

"I'll be right back!"

"Need any help," he asked with a mischievous smirk followed by a suggestive wink.

"I'm pretty sure I can dress myself, thanks."

He pouted as I closed the door in his face.  I locked the door just in case he got any ideas before I made my way to the bathroom, locking that door too.  I didn't know my mates too well but two of them were borderline creeps at the very least; I wasn't risking it.

I quickly took my now soiled black jeans, black leather jacket and turquoise blouse off so I could replace them with the clothes Hades had given me since it was now covered in rabbit fur and a little rabbit 'love'.  I needed to remember to thank them for the present.

The shirt fell down to just below my knees while the boxers refused to stay put.  That just wouldn't do.  I searched for my 'mom' purse and found it after a good ten minutes or so.  Thankfully I always kept some backup clothes in my purse in case of an emergency.

I pulled out a pair of olive green leggings and an over-sized obsidian black hoodie with a lemon yellow lightning bolt on it.  

I lazily opened the bathroom door, folded the clothes I wasn't using and left them in a neat pile on the floor by my purse.  I exited the room and turned to Hades.

"Hey Hades?"


"Do you have a laundry machine I can toss my stuff in?"

"We can just give it to the maid to take care of."

"Really Hades?  It's not that hard to do laundry..."

"If you insist.  You can leave your clothes there and we can come back for them later.  Would you like to see the library now?  It's just  next door."

"Does the library have any books in it yet," I asked eagerly.  I was practically jumping circles around Hades as we made our way to what I assumed would be my new home.

"Some," he answered simply.  "If you see you're missing books that you want, we can get you more."  My grin widened more at this, to the point of pain.

"We're here."  My eyes nearly fell out of my head at the sight before me.  If they had widened any more they would be rolling around on the floor.

How had they managed to fit all of this in here I wondered as he pushed the heavy wooden door open.



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