Chapter 3, The Demon Questions

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It was two weeks after that, at school, when you felt a lurch in your stomach. You asked the teacher if you could go to the nurse's office and she let you. Once there, you raced into the bathroom and let loose a river of puke. The nurse held back your (h/c) hair, rubbed your back, and cleaned you up. He called your father, but his phone was off because of a meeting. He called Sebastian next, who burst into the room, phone still in hand. "(y/n)!" he shouted. He raced to your side and you clung to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked. You looked up at him and shook your head. "I don't know..." you squeaked out. "I just felt the sudden urge to puke so I came here." You buried your head into his chest and you sensed that he frowned. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and stroked your (h/c) hair with the other. The nurse suggested that you go home for the day and rest, so after Sebastian went to get your homework for that night you took the subway home. Arriving at your house you kicked off your shoes and flopped onto the couch.

"Are you okay Lady (y/n)?" he asked. You groaned and held your head. "I'll make some tea," Sebastian said. You heard him walk away and flipped over. You slung an arm over your face, a sudden migraine ripping through your head. Sebastian brought a tea cup over and you sat up. You felt something click in your brain and suddenly the world went black. "(y/n)!!" you heard Sebastian call out before you lost consciousness.

You woke up and blinked as a bright white light hit your eyes. You squinted at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened. Sebastian took me home from school after I threw up, you thought. Then when we got home, he brought me some tea and I fainted. You looked around, seeing various medical equipment surrounding you. Sebastian must've taken me to a hospital, you thought. A man walked in and looked up at you. "Ah, you're awake sis," your brother said. You looked over and smiled.

Your brother worked hard to become a doctor at only 24 years old. He was one of the best and everyone knew it. "Sebastian!" he called out. "She's awake!" You suddenly felt a crushing pressure around you and the whiff of tea wafted into your nose. "My (y/n)..." Sebastian whispered into your hair. He pulled back and rammed his lips onto yours. You gladly accepted this, shakily wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulled back and stood back as your brother came to inspect you. "You're perfectly fine," he reported. You looked at him and blinked. "Then why did I faint?" you asked. Your brother smiled and patted your stomach. "Because you're pregnant."

Time seemed to freeze when your brother uttered that phrase. You were left in shock, only managing to move your head to look down at your stomach. Your brother had removed his hand and you replaced it with yours. "Pregnant..." you whispered. "Impossible!!" Sebastian shouted. You and your brother looked up at him, his face showing worry for the first time. "I'm afraid so Sebastian," your brother said. Sebastian shook his head and paced around. "Her body won't be able to handle a half demon!!" he shouted, waving his arms frantically.

You heard a rush of footsteps and looked over to see your father rush in. "(y/n)!!" he shouted. He dropped his briefcase and rushed to your side. "Your brother told me what happened," he said. You looked down, your (h/c) covering your eyes. "I'm so happy I'm going to be a grandfather!!" he shouted. You blushed a bit and smiled. "I thought you were going to have me abort it or something," you said. "Never!!" he said. "I know you love Sebastian and want to be with him forever, and that very love has produced a child. You are definitely keeping it." You laughed and hugged him back.

You were released from the hospital later that day and you lay in your bed, reading manga. There was a knock at your door and you called out "Come in!" You looked over to see Sebastian enter. "What's wrong?" you asked, not seeing his normal smile he had whenever he came into your room. "I don't know how to phrase this properly," he began. "But we cannot have this child." You gasped and dropped your manga. "How could you-" "Because I've had it happen before!" Sebastian interrupted.

You blinked and he sighed. He walked over to your bed and sat down. "Long ago, I had fallen in love with a human woman," he said. You blinked, kind of surprised but you guessed there was a chance since he was multiple millennia old. "I married her and we were going to have a child, but she died giving birth to it," he continued. "And the child did not get enough nourishment in the womb, and the human half could not support the demon half so it died mere hours after being born."

You felt yourself tear up and wrapped Sebastian in a hug. "I'm so sorry," you said. Sebastian adjusted his position and wrapped you in a hug. "I don't want that to happen to you," he said. You broke apart and looked up at him. "I'm not going to let it happen," you said, determination clear in your voice. "But-" "You forget," you interrupted. "My mother was an expert in the supernatural. So I know how we can make this work." You placed your hands on your hips, smiled big, and gave a victory pose. Sebastian blinked and you opened your eyes as you saw him place a hand to his mouth. You quickly dove down to retrieve your phone to record this. Sebastian burst out laughing and you smiled. Yes! I got him to laugh out loud and not just some stupid chuckle when he says those sweet embarrassing things to me!! you cheered in your head.

He stopped laughing, so you stopped recording. You sat back down on your bed, texting this to your friends and brother. You set down the phone and turned back to Sebastian. "How do you propose you 'make this work'?" Sebastian asked. You smiled and Sebastian frowned as you felt a sparkle glint in your eye. "Simple, when I get hungry you find a soul for me to eat in order to give the baby nourishment!" you said. "Wait what?!" Sebastian cried out, blinking at you. You laughed and wagged a finger at him. "Do demons eat human food?" you asked, a hand on your hip. "Only for pleasure, not for sustenance," Sebastian responded.

"Demons eat souls so they can stay alive, right?" you asked. Sebastian nodded and you stood up. "That's why it's so simple!" you said. "Tonight, I order you to go around and collect random aimless souls. You are not to come back until two things, one: you have collected at least 10 souls or two: I am extremely horny and need you to come back." Sebastian laughed and stood up. "As you wish, my lady," he said, bowing.

He pushed you back onto the bed, causing you to blush. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my lady," he said. "So let me take care of your desires." You blushed even more, your whole face going red. Sebastian laughed as he quickly stripped you of your pants and panties. He undid his buckle and opened his pants. He thrusted into you without any warning, causing a moan of pleasure to escape your mouth. "Oh dear god..." you moaned. Sebastian thrusted again, causing you to squeak and grip his shirt.

He kept thrusting, earning more and more moans from you. He dove his head down and gave a lick. You gasped as his cold tongue caressed your hot neck. He ran his tongue all over the sweaty flesh, not stopping until you moaned as he found your special spot. "Sebastian..." you moaned. He abused that spot for what seemed like eternity until you cried out and released. Sebastian grunted and you felt his fluids flow inside you.

He got up and adjusted his pants,leaving you flat on your back and gasping for air. You heard him laugh and feltyour legs being lifted. You opened an eye to see him putting your panties andpants back on. "Thank you..." you panted. "Twas no trouble," he said. "Wouldn'twant my lady to appear indecent." You blushed and covered yourself with theblanket, hearing the demon laugh yet again.

The Demon Settles Down -- Sebastian Michaelis x Reader lemon (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now