January 7

18 0 1

Anna's POV

It's Saturday morning and I can't wait any longer to text Noah about this mystery guy! It kept me up all last night. I know there isn't a huge chance of it, but I really hope it's Noah ...

A: good morning! I can't wait any longer to start guessing aha (:

N: well someone's impatient. But good morning beautiful (:

OH MY FUDGING GOD. he called me beautiful !!!!

A: awwww Noah (:

N: what? It's true!

A: hehe (: well, can I start guessing now?

N: would you prefer me just telling you?

A: yes!

Noah's POV

Am I really about to do this?

N: before I tell you, who do you like?

A: ummm ... I don't know

N: lol you aren't gonna tell me are you?

A: nope (: tell me already!!

Well ... Here's goes nothing!

N: the guys name is ...

A: ...??

N: Noah Ghant.

I'm shaking. Did I seriously just do that?!?! No going back now ...

Anna's POV

N: Noah Ghant

I .. What .. What ... WHAT?!?!

Noah likes me ?!?!! Oh my god ...

A: is this Noah ?

N: yes, it's me.

I don't know if this is real life.

A: I .. I ... I don't know what to say.

N: god, I just seriously screwed things up, didn't I. I'm sorry. I just thought .. I don't know what I was thinking.

A: no, I don't know what to say because I never .. I never expected you to like me back.

Is this seriously happening .. Like seriously. And did I really just say that? I really hope this is Noah and not one of his friends ...

N: wait what.

A: I .. I like you too Noah (: and I have for well over a year.

Noah's POV

A: I .. I like you too Noah (: and I have for well over a year.

What's .. Going .. On .. Holy .. Shit ..

N: really?

A: really.

N: oh ok wow. Um wow (:

A: ya .. (:

N: so I have a question for you ...

(A/N: please remember to comment and vote!)

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