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The rain pounded against the window as the brunette staired out into the distance. The gentle hum of a engine playing like a gental melody in her ears. The memory of the day her one true protector left her playing on constant repeat in her mind.

"What do you mean your leaving." Derek roared towards his sister, agitated with even the thought of her returning too the place that so many had fallen victim to the fires cruel, suffocating grip. Yet the mousey brown haired women didn't even flinch as her determination for answers took control of her sense's driving her back to where it had all began. The was a reason they called it beacon hills because it was litrally a beacon for all those super natural and a death sentence for those supernatrals who where drawn there.

" No laura you can't go. You can't leave us with Derek!" The petite brunette sobbed even when she knew her protectors mind was made she still had to try.

"Athie, listen I need to go back. We all need answer's. We all need closure, you will be fine with Derek." Laura smiled at the petite teen before postioning a gentle kiss on her forhead and leaving. Little did Athena know that was the last time she would see Laura Hale, her protector, her saviour alive.

The sign to beacon hills flashed in her sights causing her to let out a deep sigh, it might as well have read welcome to beacon hills where you come to die. That's what happens here everyone you love, everyone close to you dies and your left behind.

Her crystal eyes finally landed on the house the chared wood still had a deep smell of death and smoke. Vine's over took the outer wall's creeping slowly into the shatterd windows.
The wooden pannels of the porch lay black and broken. Infact the whole of the old Hale house was in a state of disrepair.

"I am not staying here." Charlotte deadpanned, her long flowing looks of firey red hair hanging in loose curls over her sholder. She was like a fashion model always dressed to perfection unlike her sister who's choclate locks were a long mess of frizzy waves, her pale skin like porcelian in the light and her style resembled that of a typical Hale. Even though the girl's where nothing but strays that the Hale's had discovered on their departure from Beacon hills they where still brought up by the siblings, a drawn out apology from the two for nearly tearing them apart as the children themselves fled for their lives.

"I will sort something for you two tommorow right now we have to find Laura. So get searching." Derek growled the direction of the girl's infuriatated by charlottes lack of caring. Laura had done everything for the girl's in many ways she had acted as a surogate mother to the two stray children. Yet Charlotte was never thankful which to derek's suprise was the polar opposite to her sister who loved his sister unconditionally and without question, Athen was the light to match Charlotte's darkness which reminded him alot off his relationship with Laura.

The girl's set out seprately running as fast as they could to find they're missing friend. Something seemed to call out to Athena as she was drawn toward the side of the narrow country road that lay surronded by the darkend canopy of tree's that where scattered all around her. Suddenly she came to a staggered halt as she observed a dark haired boy stumbling carelessly throught the dense folage of the forest. The stench and nerves and out right fear flooded her nose as she felt she could gag on that alone. Then if by destinys calling a scene of imediate chao's unfolded before her as a creature came hurdling towards the terrified boy landing a strong bite to his side as he shrieked out in agony. Before the giant beast disapeared back into the night. Ever fibre in her body screamed to her to help the boy but instead she froze her gaze locked onto something that tore her apart from the inside causing her to let out a agonising scream before crashing to her knee's. Laura Hale lay dead ingront of her. The only person who ever truley loved her was dead.

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