Sibling Rivalry

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The mask of night fell upon the hale house yet as normal it was anything but silent. Lottie was home and giving Derek a hard time about having to sleep in the murder house for yet another night. Her face beging to transform into the form she was used to the serpant.That was yet another diffrence the girls had. Even though they knew they wernt were-wolves Athena was sure they could shift into one as she had watched her twin do it more than once in a blind fit of rage. Charlotte had more control and ability when it came to being supernatrual with Athena not even being able to fully control her superior sense's or use her strength at will. She was stuck being a usless waste of supernatural ability.

" What do you mean you have asked her to shadow Scott? She can't even look after her self. She is pathetic I know it, you know it, God even Laura knew it. She's just a useless drain on our power Derek." Lottie roared the venom in her voice obvious as she spoke about her twin. Derek never did enjoy the company of Lottie she was a bully and a coward. She treated Athena like a hinderance and a punchbag but never a sister. Infact if it wasn't for Athena's kindness and willingness to forgive her sisters darkness then Derek would have been rid of the girl years ago.

" You know that's not true Lottie. She is your sister and is a hell of alot better than you in alot of ways. She is doing this because she actually wants to help and not just because she wants to add to her own ego. You have alot to learn about the power you process." Derek snarled back growing impatient with the teens attitude he had found a place for Lottie to live and she could move in tommorow. He hadn't thought to do the same for Athena knowing the girl she would rather find somewhere herself or stay with him here as long as possible.

Athena realised that the situation out side of the scorched bedroom was growing dire and proceeded to swing open the door and standing between the two. Her dangerous gaze meeting her sister's.

"Walk away Lottie." Athena deadpanned standing infront of Derek desprate to prevent the fight that was bound to break out but she hadn't considered that Lottie would turn on her.

"Wow. The werewolves pet has finally found her voice. Maybe I should have killed Laura myself and maybe then I would have had a sister worthy of sharing my blood." Lottie snickered in amusment a smug smirk grew in the corners of her mouth. A loud growl echoed throught the house as all hell broke lose. Athena grabbed hold of the redhead throwing her threw the already cracked window causing her sister to let out allowed hiss only for her to snicker once more before hoping back up and racing towards her twin. Much Charlottes displeasure Athena expertly dodged every attack she threw her way once again the brunettes foot connected with her ribs sending her flying backwards. Derek had no intentions of putting a end to the brawl and his eyes remained fixed on Athena's small figure begin to shift back a forth with ever second, her eyes glowing brighter than ever before as the power over took her body. She had never let it go this far before and never had he truely seen the colour of her eyes.

" Give it up Lottie, you lose I win and from now on I will always win." Athena growled dominace radated through her voice as her eyes flashed a sudden violent red. Suddenly Derek understood why it had never gotten this far the girls wern't any supernatural he had ever seen but he had heard rumours. They where two pieces of a puzzle the two pieces that should never meet. That's when he finally understood what Sophia Royal had been doing. She had never intended to raise stray supernatruals no she was collecting and training a unstopable army and the two before him where the nucular detinators.

Athena couldn't help but notice the look on Dereks face, the disgust radiatig from him. Was her power really that wrong? She hadn't once felt how she had in that momment she felt like a volcanic erruption waiting to happen, a feeling of uncontrolable bloodlust.

Unable to control her emotions any longer Athena dropped her head down in defeat before fleeing into the forest in an attempt to get as far away from here as possible. She had never wanted to return to beacon hills. She had never wanted to be a Hale and she certiantly never asked to be what ever the hell she was. As if by fate the world threw the girl another middle finger as the heavens opened letting a bombardment of ice cold droplets to burst against her skin. She couldn't help but compare this scene to that of a movie all she needed now was her handsom prince to come riding to her rescue on a white horse.

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